Antònia Font Concert History

"Antònia Font" is a catalan pop band from Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. The band was formed in 1997. Their music is basically festive and their lyrics are funny, inventive and realistic; they focus on space, astronomy and everything related with astronauts, but also on the everyday reality, establishing a constant game between a local and a universal or cosmic perspective of the world we are immersed in.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 05, 2023 –
Jul 08, 2023
Festival Cruïlla 2023
alt-J / The Offspring / Franz Ferdinand / Sigur Rós / Placebo / Tash Sultana / Parov Stelar / Moderat / Bomba Estéreo / Nicki Nicole / Wos / Ruben Blades / Leiva / Cruz Cafuné / sen senra / Nanpa Básico / Omara Portuondo / Amaia / Rusowsky / Cupido / Delaossa / Dani Fernández / Sidonie / Viva Suecia / Carolina Durante / Iseo & Dodosound / Stay Homas / Los Van Van / Antònia Font / Lia Kali / Sexy Zebras / shego / Ladilla Rusa / Ciudad Jara / Pau Vallvé / Suu / Cala Vento / Miss Bolivia / Peces Raros / Mourn / Rodrigo Cuevas / Ramon Mirabet / La Élite / Sienna / Judit Neddermann / CARLANGAS / Menta / Santa Salut / Renaldo & Clara / Triquell / LAS NINYAS DEL CORRO / Nico Roig / The Guapos / Yeico x Toni / Cupido (ES) / Victorias / Lal'Ba / Pinpilinpussies / Menta (MAD) / Sienna (Spain) / Tesa (ES) Show all bands
Festival Cruïlla 2023 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Show Duplicates for Jul 05, 2023
Jun 09, 2022 –
Jun 11, 2022
Primavera Sound Festival Weekend 2 2022
Gorillaz / Lorde / Dua Lipa / Tyler, The Creator / Tame Impala / The Strokes / Charli XCX / Playboi Carti / M.I.A. / Clairo / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Megan Thee Stallion / Jorja Smith / Interpol / Fred again.. / Khruangbin / Metronomy / Burna Boy / Jamie xx / Giveon / Jessie Ware / Chet Faker / Big Thief / Slowdive / Beach Bunny / Run the Jewels / Mogwai / King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard / Tainy / Ashnikko / Courtney Barnett / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Peggy Gou / King Princess / Bicep / L'Impératrice / Angèle / Yung Lean / Mi-ke / The Magnetic Fields / Bad Gyal / Sky Ferreira / 100 gecs / Nicki Nicole / Turnstile / Black Coffee / Molchat Doma / KHEA / Amaarae / Connan Mockasin / Pond / Celeste / Jay Electronica / Cautious Clay / Holly Humberstone / Romy / Kero Kero Bonito / Monolink / Griff / TOPS / Cazzu / Viagra Boys / The Automatic / Jamila Woods / Mall Grab / Nicola Cruz / John Talabot / Nina Kraviz / Sampa The Great / Shame / Altın Gün / Enny / Iceage / Wesley Joseph / High On Fire / Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever / Goldie / Genesis Owusu / sen senra / Chaos In The CBD / Squid / Dry Cleaning / Yung Beef / Amelie Lens / Bandalos Chinos / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Sofia Kourtesis / Jockstrap / Les Savy Fav / Dorian Electra / Alex Cameron / A. G. Cook / Shellac / CMAT / Hailu Mergia / The Weather Station / Sons of Kemet / Kamaal Williams / Beak> / Rigoberta Bandini / Perfume / Lightning Bolt / The Murder Capital / Tropical Fuck Storm / Los Bitchos / Cuban Doll / Danny L Harle / LA MAFIA DEL AMOR / AROOJ AFTAB / Lord Apex / Erika de Casier / Gilles Peterson / Pile / Hannah Diamond / Pa Salieu / La Zowi / Prospa / Nala Sinephro / Jensen McRae / Haai / Future Utopia / Pangaea / Cassandra Jenkins / Jawbox / Sad Night Dynamite / Las Ligas Menores / Joyhauser / Working Men's Club / VTSS / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Antònia Font / L Devine / Victor! / The Albany / Mujeres / Namasenda / Priya ragu / Special Interest / Gracey / Easyfun / Isabella / Oranssi Pazuzu / Moonchild Sanelly / Mafalda / FLOHIO / Twin / Shanti Celeste / Vladislav Delay / Ben Yart / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Anz / Núria Graham / Penelope Isles / Teki Latex / Hidrogenesse / Angel Bat Dawid / I. JORDAN / Yasmin Williams / Soleá Morente / Hyd / Oli XL / Cheb Khaled / KeiyaA / Menta / Torus / Tim Reaper / Craig Richards / Dark0 / KMRU / Lo-key / Maria Jaume / STR4TA / Hector Oaks / Renaldo & Clara / Sama' Abdulhadi / Nueva Vulcano / apartamentos acapulco / 107 Faunos / Lost Girls / sherelle / Ethan P. Flynn / Young Turks / Gaahls Wyrd / Doble Pletina / Da Souza / Steam Down / Confeti de Odio / Senyawa / Paranoid 1966 / Secret Night Gang / Rata Negra / Gabber Modus Operandi / Gazzi / Stein / Disclosure (DJ Set) / yung prado / Casero / Dance System / Tarta Relena / Aksak Maboul / Marco Shuttle / Kinetic / Saoirse / Vulk / Bikökö / Mary Anne Hobbs / Sandré / Duma / Marta Knight / Agoraphobia / Afrikan Sciences / Dj Black Low / Slickback / Power Burkas / Sourakata Koité / Dave P / Dj Pastis / Spelling / SPFDJ / John Talabot (DJ Set) / Daniel Avery Live / Anika Kunst / El Punto / Tarquim / Sabla / Ikram Bouloum / Alanaire / Dj Seinfield / Nicola Cruz Dj Set / Fenne Lilly / Sonido Tupinamba / Dj Fra / Britanny Howard / C. Tangan / DJ Playero / JOKKO / NYEGE NYEGE / Virginie / Dead Normal / Alizz / Soccer 96 / Bad Gyal's Gogo Club / mad miran / Logic1000 Live / LCY Live / El Mató A Un Policia Motorizado Dj's / Austrohúngaro / Marie Montexier / Soul Jazz Records Sound System / Renaldo y Clara / Acemoma Live / Acemoma Dj Set / Wata Igarashi Live / Efdemim / HARLECORE / Nagui / III Considered / The Weather Nation / Ela Minis / Courtesy Live / Valentino Mora Live / Unai Muguruza / D.R.O.P: Marvyn + Bonnie Soul / NYGE NYGE / Maria Sommerville / Phillip Sherbourne / Eli Winter + Cameron Knowler / BEAK> Dj Set / Diverso: Hi-Ki + La Diabla + Alvva / Awesome Tapes Dj Set / Draing Gang / Cucina Powera / HIVERN / Dj Brava / SECRETLY GROUP PARTY / Verushka Sirit Dj Set / Seltar Live / SDH Live / MT Formula Dj Set / Julio Tornero Live / Coàgul Live / CØNJUNTØ VACÍØ SHOWCASE / Aufwachen Live / El Bloque Dj's / Dj Naranjito / Los Hijos De Yayo Show all bands
Parc del Fòrum Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Show Duplicates for Jun 09, 2022
Jun 05, 2022 –
Jun 12, 2022
Primavera Sound Festival Weekend 2 2022
Lorde / Gorillaz / The Strokes / Tame Impala / Tyler, The Creator / Dua Lipa / Beck / M.I.A. / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Charli XCX / Massive Attack / Interpol / Playboi Carti / Jorja Smith / Metronomy / Jessie Ware / Jamie xx / Clairo / Chet Faker / Mogwai / Megan Thee Stallion / Run the Jewels / Courtney Barnett / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Khruangbin / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / King Princess / Burna Boy / Sky Ferreira / Slowdive / The Magnetic Fields / Big Thief / Jay Electronica / Black Coffee / Yung Lean / Pond / Japanese Breakfast / Bicep / Beach Bunny / Ashnikko / Connan Mockasin / Angèle / Cautious Clay / Tainy / Kero Kero Bonito / Jamila Woods / Giveon / John Talabot / L'Impératrice / Romy / TOPS / The Automatic / Khaled / Iceage / Nina Kraviz / KHEA / Peggy Gou / High On Fire / Cazzu / 100% / Goldie / Sampa The Great / Nicola Cruz / Les Savy Fav / Celeste / Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever / Monolink / Mi-ke / Shame / Shellac / Turnstile / Molchat Doma / Alex Cameron / Mall Grab / Bad Gyal / Lightning Bolt / Cuban Doll / The Weather Station / Beak> / Danny L Harle / Jehnny Beth / Sons of Kemet / Amelie Lens / Viagra Boys / Gilles Peterson / Perfume / Chariot / Squid / Altın Gün / Chaos In The CBD / Dorian Electra / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Hailu Mergia / Tropical Fuck Storm / Kamaal Williams / Nicki Nicole / Noga Erez / Griff / Pile / Yung Beef / Jawbox / Holly Humberstone / Hannah Diamond / Genesis Owusu / Dry Cleaning / Victor! / Fred Again / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Pangaea / The Murder Capital / Lord Apex / sen senra / L Devine / Isabella / Antònia Font / Bandalos Chinos / Malika / Moonchild Sanelly / Prospa / Pa Salieu / Working Men's Club / FLOHIO / Oranssi Pazuzu / Mafalda / Vladislav Delay / Easyfun / Mujeres / LA MAFIA DEL AMOR / Teki Latex / Gracey / Haai / Erika de Casier / Rigoberta Bandini / Amaarae / Joyhauser / Hidrogenesse / Las Ligas Menores / La Zowi / Shanti Celeste / Enny / Cassandra Jenkins / Craig Richards / Los Bitchos / Penelope Isles / Jockstrap / AROOJ AFTAB / Núria Graham / Lo-key / Young Turks / Sad Night Dynamite / The Albany / Nueva Vulcano / Dark0 / Torus / Soleá Morente / Menta / Jensen McRae / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Disclosure (DJ Set) / Stein / Oli XL / Twin / Gaahls Wyrd / VTSS / Doble Pletina / Kinetic / Namasenda / Wesley Joseph / Priya ragu / Renaldo & Clara / Yasmin Williams / India Jordan / Special Interest / apartamentos acapulco / Senyawa / KeiyaA / 107 Faunos / Angel Bat Dawid / Mary Anne Hobbs / Sinead O'Brien / Steam Down / CMAT / Nala Sinephro / Confeti de Odio / Marco Shuttle / Maeve / Lost Girls / Future Utopia / Anz / Hector Oaks / Da Souza / STR4TA / King Hannah / Dance System / Agoraphobia / Rata Negra / Tim Reaper / Afrikan Sciences / Vulk / KMRU / Casero / Paranoid 1966 / Aksak Maboul / Gabber Modus Operandi / Maria Jaume / Saoirse / Dave P / Ethan P. Flynn / Sourakata Koité / Power Burkas / Marta Knight / Secret Night Gang / John Talabot (DJ Set) / Duma / Tarta Relena / Spelling / Sama' Abdulhadi / sherelle / Sandré / Ben Yart / Hyd / El Punto / Bikökö / A.G. Cook / Dj Black Low / SPFDJ / Dj Fra / Sonido Tupinamba / JOKKO / yung prado / Gazzi / Ikram Bouloum / Virginie / DJ Playero / Dj Seinfield / Dead Normal / Anika Kunst / Alizz / Fenne Lilly / Alanaire / Soccer 96 / mad miran / Soul Jazz Records Sound System / Logic1000 Live / Daniel Avery Live / Acemoma Live / Acemoma Dj Set / Nicola Cruz Dj Set / Wata Igarashi Live / Tarquim / Britanny Howard / Slickback / Bad Gyal's Gogo Club / NYEGE NYEGE / C. Tangan / Marie Montexier / The Weather Nation / Renaldo y Clara / Ela Minis / Courtesy Live / Valentino Mora Live / LCY Live / Efdemim / Sofia Kourtessi Live / El Mató A Un Policia Motorizado Dj's / Unai Muguruza / D.R.O.P: Marvyn + Bonnie Soul / NYGE NYGE / Maria Sommerville / Phillip Sherbourne / Eli Winter + Cameron Knowler / BEAK> Dj Set / Dj Pastis / HARLECORE / Nagui / Diverso: Hi-Ki + La Diabla + Alvva / Awesome Tapes Dj Set / III Considered / Draing Gang / Austrohúngaro / Sabla / Cucina Powera / HIVERN / Dj Brava / SECRETLY GROUP PARTY / Verushka Sirit Dj Set / Seltar Live / SDH Live / MT Formula Dj Set / Julio Tornero Live / Coàgul Live / CØNJUNTØ VACÍØ SHOWCASE / Aufwachen Live / El Bloque Dj's / Dj Naranjito / Los Hijos De Yayo / Amyl & The Sniffers / The Smile / IC3PEAK / Mura Masa Show all bands
Parc del Fòrum Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Aug 01, 2013 –
Aug 04, 2013
Festival Arenal Sound 2013
The Kooks / Steve Aoki / The Fratellis / Editors / The Drums / White Lies / The Maccabees / Klaxons / The Bloody Beetroots / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Alphabeat / Dirtyphonics / The Whip / Dorian / Izal / Satellite Stories / Carlos Sadness / Bonaparte / Lori Meyers / Iván Ferreiro / Francisca Valenzuela / La Pegatina / La Bien Querida / EFECTO PASILLO / Sidecars / Txarango / La Raíz / The Sound of Arrows / La Habitación Roja / Fuel Fandango / bigott / The New Raemon / Los Punsetes / Bongo Botrako / Funambulista / Delafé y las flores azules / Antònia Font / The Zombie Kids / Standstill / Austin TV / We are Standard / Canteca De Macao / La Sonrisa de Julia / Klein / Jero Romero / Los Aslandticos / Havalina / The Suicide of Western Culture / Meneo / Alamedadosoulna / Buffetlibre / Trashtucada / Eme DJ / Gomad & Monster / Nada que decir Show all bands
Valencia, Valencia, Spain
May 22, 2013 –
May 26, 2013
Primavera Sound Festival 2013
Tame Impala / Disclosure / Phoenix / James Blake / Blur / Band of Horses / Mac DeMarco / Wu-Tang Clan / Grizzly Bear / Hot Chip / Local Natives / Daughter / Crystal Castles / Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds / The Vaccines / Animal Collective / Jessie Ware / Solange / Four Tet / Kurt Vile / Deerhunter / She & Him / The Postal Service / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Dinosaur Jr. / My Bloody Valentine / Wild Nothing / Django Django / The Knife / Death Grips / Phosphorescent / The Breeders / Nils Frahm / Rodriguez / Neko Case / DIIV / Simian Mobile Disco / Apparat / Poolside / Camera Obscura / Killer Mike / The Magician / Osees / How to Dress Well / Swans / Dead Can Dance / Peace / Daniel Johnston / Melody's Echo Chamber / Savages / Dan Deacon / Woods / Liars / Delorean / Tinariwen / John Talabot / Meat Puppets / Mulatu Astatke / Nick Waterhouse / king tuff / Goat / Menomena / Mount Eerie / Titus Andronicus / Fucked Up / Cayucas / Bob Mould / Fuck Buttons / Glass Candy / Daphni / The Sea And Cake / Adam Green / Neurosis / Metz / Shellac / White Fence / Do Make Say Think / Matthew E. White / Guards / The Babies / Los Planetas / OM / La Bien Querida / Manel / Hot Snakes / Sean Nicholas Savage / Merchandise / Omar Souleyman / Christopher Owens / The Bots / Chris Cohen / Jozef Van Wissem / Antònia Font / Toundra / Daughn Gibson / Jackmaster / Nurse With Wound / Dexys / Guadalupe Plata / Ethan Johns / Pony Bravo / Hidrogenesse / Dead Skeletons / PAUS / Jim Jarmusch / Dope Body / Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou / Adam Green and Binki Shapiro / Evans the Death / Roll The Dice / The Suicide of Western Culture / The Ringo Jets / Extraperlo / Ghostigital / Tarantula / The Free Fall Band / Aliment / El Inquilino Comunista / Betunizer / Guardian Alien / L'hereu Escampa / Moonflower / Dj Coco / Jupiter Lion / Fred I Son / Wilhelm and the Dancing Animals / Honeybird & the Birdies / La Brigada / Wild Balbina / Bored Spies / Rodriquez / Hal Flavin / Blue Willa / Coriolà / Carles Viarnès / Degreaser / Gaurds / Duot / LAS TOCAYAS / Barry Hogan / Christoper Owens Show all bands
Parc del Fòrum Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Show Duplicate for May 22, 2013
Sep 09, 2012
Antònia Font
Plaça Creu Alta Sabadell, Catalonia, Spain
May 04, 2012 –
May 05, 2012
Estrella Levante SOS 4.8 2012
The Flaming Lips / The Kills / Mogwai / Pulp / Friendly Fires / Gossip / Simian Mobile Disco / CSS / The Magnetic Fields / Yuck / Buraka Som Sistema / Love of Lesbian / Parade / La Casa Azul / Nacho Vegas / bigott / The New Raemon / Delorentos / Kiko Veneno / The Zombie Kids / Antònia Font / Hidrogenesse / Klaus&Kinski / Grupo de Expertos Solynieve / Buffetlibre / Eme DJ / la estrella de david / The Marzipan Man / Mattew Herbert Dj Set / Miqui Puig & Original Jazz Orquestra Del Taller De Músics Show all bands
Recinto Ferial de La Fica Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Jul 14, 2011 –
Jul 17, 2011
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2011
Arctic Monkeys / Mumford & Sons / Tame Impala / The Strokes / Arcade Fire / Tinie Tempah / Paolo Nutini / Portishead / Bombay Bicycle Club / Beirut / Plan B / Pendulum / Elbow / Chase & Status / Primal Scream / The Streets / Friendly Fires / The Stranglers / Crystal Fighters / Noah & The Whale / Ziggy Marley / Brandon Flowers / Professor Green / Julieta Venegas / The Joy Formidable / The Go! Team / Smile / Anna Calvi / POP ETC / The Juan Maclean / Big Audio Dynamite / Jack Beats / Dorian / And So I Watch You from Afar / Lori Meyers / The Coronas / Herman Düne / Veronica Falls / Anika / Henry Saiz / James Murphy / Violens / Logo / Antònia Font / Zombie Zombie / McEnroe / Spectrals / Nudozurdo / Hidrogenesse / Catpeople / Layabouts / O Emperor / Jerry Fish & The Mudbug Club / Nadadora / The Dandies / Atom Rhumba / The Paris Riots / Ainara LeGardon / Astrud & Col·lectiu Brossa / The Marzipan Man / Grupo salvaje / Belle and Sebastian (DJ Set) / Amable / 1945 / Congotronics Vs Rockers / Aldo Linares / Indienella / The Coronas From Ireland Show all bands
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2011 Benicassim, Valencia, Spain
Show Duplicates for Jul 14, 2011
Jul 19, 2008
Summercase 2008 (Day 2 of 2)
Cadence Weapon / Delafé y las flores azules / Leila / CSS / The Raveonettes / Bright Young Things / Mr Flash / Ragdog / El Guisante Magico / The Requesters / Edwyn Collins / Cornelius / Rex the Dog / Peter Von Poehl / Midnight Juggernauts / Patrice / Foals / Ian Brown / Los Planetas / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / The Juan Maclean / Neon Neon / Antònia Font / Vicarious Bliss / Mishima / The Kooks / One Night Only / Whitey / Antnia Font / Phoenix / Interpol / Étienne de Crécy / Hidrogenesse / El Guisante Mgico / Blondie / The Stranglers / Rory Phillips / Tiga / Dorian / Sons and Daughters / The Verve / Kaiser Chiefs / Biffy Clyro / Mogwai / Primal Scream / We Are Scientists / Maxïmo Park / Glasvegas / The Breeders / Mystery Jets / Los Campesinos! / Shout Out Louds / Grinderman / Pete and The Pirates / Sex Pistols / Els Pets / Kings Of Leon Show all bands
Parc del Fòrum Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
May 23, 2003 –
May 24, 2003
Primavera Sound Festival 2003
Belle and Sebastian / LCD Soundsystem / The Kills / Mogwai / Yo La Tengo / The Streets / Peaches / Godspeed You! Black Emperor / Television / Teenage Fanclub / Wire / El-P / Sonic Youth / Lena / I Am Kloot / The White Stripes / Adam Green / Ellen Allien / Baxter Dury / Roni Size / Ed Harcourt / Adam Beyer / Umek / Julian Cope / Arab Strap / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Erol Alkan / Henry / Tocotronic / Michael Mayer / Folk Implosion / The Go-Betweens / Mary Gauthier / Astronaut / Airbag / Soledad Brothers / DMX Krew / Scratch Perverts / Console / John Parish / Standstill / Antònia Font / Zola / DJ Rupture / Larry Tee / Future Bible Heroes / Martini Bros / Audience / J.G. Thirlwell / Ikara Colt / Holland Park / Bart Davenport / Beef / L'altra / Jerônimo / Cobra Killer / Thalia Zedek / Migala / Rahim / Whirlwind Heat / Wit / Tokyo Sex Destruction / Hangedup / Cola Jet Set / Super_Collider / Pipas / Gold Chains / Le Hammond Inferno / Calc / Motormark / Glissando / Morning Star / Euro-Trash Girl / Gurus / Vacaciones / A Room With A View / Dead Capo / Djs Are Not Rockstars / Mano De Santo / PSYCHOCANDY / The Tea Servants / Jim Coleman / Tan Low / Alma X / Baby Zizanie Show all bands
Poble Espanyol Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Indie Pop
Indie Catala
Musica Catalana
Rock Catala
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2023 1 concert
2022 2 concerts
2013 2 concerts
2012 2 concerts
2011 1 concert
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2003 1 concert
 Nils Wortmann
 Emily Jones
 Dani Daniel
 Nick Chandler
 Matty Jones
 Charlotte Kumar
 Lara Amores
 Jalen Whitmore
 Jesse Balfe

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