Antimaniax Concert History

Antimaniax is a four-piece skacore, lyrically anti-authoritarian band from Austria that was formed in 1998.Though they released a demo recording, We're Tryin'... in 2000, their first official release came in the form of a mini album, As Long As People Think on Household Name Records in 2002. That year they performed over 100 shows including three tours throughout the UK and a tour of Eastern Europe.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 16, 2023 –
Jun 17, 2023
Seewinkel Noise Factory Festival 2023
Petrol Girls / Waving The Guns / Muff Potter / Black Square / Knochenfabrik / Björn Peng / HC Baxxter / Notgemeinschaft Peter Pan / Jodie Faster / F*cking Angry / The Movement (DK) / The Rumperts / Demenzia Kolektiva / Dregs (AT) / Die Toten Crackhuren Im Kofferraum / Antimaniax Show all bands
Arena Wien Vienna, Vienna, Austria
May 01, 2003
Flogging Molly / Antimaniax / UVM Orpheum Graz, Styria, Austria
Dec 23, 2001
Antimaniax / Support / Sadirrity s´Fankerl, Kirchbach Austria
Nov 09, 2001
Redlightsflash / Antimaniax / Guadalajara / Barracuda / Rotten Rooters / Support

2nd Heartcore Festival

Mehrzweckhalle Kirchbach, Austria
Feb 16, 2001
Psy-9 / Antimaniax / Sick of Silence / Rantoplans / Sadirrity / Support

1st Heartcore Festival

Mehrzweckhalle Kirchbach, Austria
Ska Punk
Crack Rock Steady
Show more genres
2023 1 concert
2003 1 concert
2001 3 concerts

As Seen On: