Anstam used to be a duo. They are brothers from Germany called Jan and Lars Stöwe but only Lars is left. They were responsible for a now legendary trilogy of 12″ releases in 2007-9 – ‘Aeto’, ‘Brom’ and ‘Cree’ – that assimilated the hardest, most dystopian flavours of dubstep, grime and junglism into a disciplined, techno-savvy framework that betrays their Berlin provenance. Lars Stöwe released in 2011-10 Anstam's debut record named "dispel dances" on Monkeytown's sublabel 50weapons.
Ed Sheeran / Foo Fighters / Skrillex / The Black Keys / The xx / alt-J / Of Monsters and Men / Two Door Cinema Club / The Shins / Rudimental / Kasabian / Ben Howard / Bloc Party / Feist / Miike Snow / Hot Chip / Wilco / Santigold / BASSNECTAR / Flux Pavilion / Jamie xx / James Vincent McMorrow / Four Tet / Sleigh Bells / Lianne La Havas / Billy Talent / The Maccabees / Ghost / Rizzle Kicks / The Gaslight Anthem / Patrick Watson / Django Django / Eagles of Death Metal / The Whitest Boy Alive / The Antlers / Tune-Yards / Boy & Bear / Netsky / Enter Shikari / C2C / FIDLAR / Cloud Nothings / The Cribs / Ane Brun / Jamie N Commons / Modeselektor / Me First And The Gimme Gimmes / Mark Lanegan / Refused / Camo & Krooked / The Walkmen / White Rabbits / John Talabot / WhoMadeWho / Alborosie / Julio Bashmore / Clark / Charles Bradley / Joris Voorn / Benga / Joy Orbison / Actress / Triggerfinger / Skism / The Black Seeds / letlive / Funtcase / Scuba / Holy Other / Alberta Cross / Willy Moon / Peaking Lights / Ben Klock / Henrik Schwarz / La Pegatina / Veronica Falls / Dixon / Movits! / Spinvis / Light Asylum / Blaudzun / Pulled Apart By Horses / Dope D.O.D. / Howler / Moss / Fresku / Linnea Olsson / Marcel Dettmann / Zulu Winter / Trixie Whitley / Ewert and the Two Dragons / Objekt / Go Back to the Zoo / Saschienne / Imam Baildi / Palmbomen / The Kyteman Orchestra / Splendid / The Kik / Heideroosjes / Posij / Benji B / shazalakazoo / Tabu / Anstam / Nobody Beats The Drum / Les Ramoneurs de menhirs / Phantom Limb / Tim Christensen & the Damn Crystals / San Proper / SMOD / DJ Rashad & DJ Spinn / Otava Yo / Orgel Vreten / The Dirty Denims / Meindert Talma / Nicolas Jaar Live Band / Jasper Wolff & Maarten Mittendorff / Krema Kawa / Boomshakalak Soundsystem / Atri N'Assouf / Kees Van Hondt / Trishna / De Avonduren / Njo Symfonieorkest / Karmakonga
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Ed Sheeran / Foo Fighters / Skrillex / The Black Keys / The xx / alt-J / Of Monsters and Men / Two Door Cinema Club / The Shins / Rudimental / Kasabian / Ben Howard / Bloc Party / Feist / Miike Snow / Hot Chip / Wilco / Santigold / BASSNECTAR / Jamie xx / Flux Pavilion / James Vincent McMorrow / Four Tet / Sleigh Bells / Lianne La Havas / Ghost / Billy Talent / The Maccabees / Rizzle Kicks / Patrick Watson / The Gaslight Anthem / Eagles of Death Metal / Django Django / The Whitest Boy Alive / The Antlers / Tune-Yards / Boy & Bear / Netsky / Enter Shikari / C2C / FIDLAR / Cloud Nothings / The Cribs / Ane Brun / Jamie N Commons / Modeselektor / Me First And The Gimme Gimmes / Mark Lanegan / The Walkmen / Refused / Camo & Krooked / White Rabbits / WhoMadeWho / John Talabot / Alborosie / Julio Bashmore / Clark / Charles Bradley / Joris Voorn / Benga / Joy Orbison / Actress / Triggerfinger / The Black Seeds / Skism / letlive / Funtcase / Scuba / Holy Other / Alberta Cross / Willy Moon / Ben Klock / Peaking Lights / Henrik Schwarz / La Pegatina / Veronica Falls / Dixon / Movits! / Spinvis / Light Asylum / Blaudzun / Pulled Apart By Horses / Moss / Dope D.O.D. / Howler / Fresku / Marcel Dettmann / Linnea Olsson / Zulu Winter / Trixie Whitley / Ewert and the Two Dragons / Objekt / Go Back to the Zoo / Saschienne / Imam Baildi / Palmbomen / The Kik / The Kyteman Orchestra / Splendid / Heideroosjes / Posij / Benji B / shazalakazoo / Tabu / Les Ramoneurs de menhirs / Anstam / Nobody Beats The Drum / Phantom Limb / Tim Christensen & the Damn Crystals / San Proper / SMOD / DJ Rashad & DJ Spinn / Otava Yo / Orgel Vreten / The Dirty Denims / Meindert Talma / Nicolas Jaar Live Band / Jasper Wolff & Maarten Mittendorff / Krema Kawa / Boomshakalak Soundsystem / Atri N'Assouf / Kees Van Hondt / Trishna / De Avonduren / Njo Symfonieorkest / Karmakonga
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DJ Rashad / Veronica Falls / letlive / Jasper Wolff & Maarten Mittendorff / Funtcase / Otava Yo / Camo & Krooked / Flux Pavilion / Imam Baildi / Rudimental / WhoMadeWho / Atri N'Assouf / DJ Spinn / Hunting the Robot / Benga / San Proper / Posij / Sleigh Bells / Tim Christensen & the Damn Crystals / Les Ramoneurs de menhirs / Saschienne / Jamie xx / Zulu Winter / Karmakonga / Alborosie / Benji B / Skism / Actress / Dixon / Anstam / The Kyteman Orchestra / Holy Other / Fresku / Boomshakalak Soundsystem / Henrik Schwarz / shazalakazoo / The xx / Krema Kawa / Netsky / Pulled Apart By Horses / Jamie N Commons / Meindert Talma / Nobody Beats The Drum / La Pegatina / Scuba / Peaking Lights / Modeselektor / Palmbomen / Trishna / Joy Orbison / Kees Van Hondt / Dope D.O.D. / Santigold / Trixie Whitley / Light Asylum / Objekt / Four Tet / The Black Seeds / John Talabot / Boy & Bear / Tabu / Lianne La Havas / Ed Sheeran / Ben Howard / The Shins / De Avonduren / Movits! / Julio Bashmore / Linnea Olsson / Njo Symfonieorkest / Ewert and the Two Dragons / Feist / Me First And The Gimme Gimmes / Heideroosjes / FIDLAR / Ben Klock / Splendid / Howler / Tune-Yards / Moss / Patrick Watson / Nicolas Jaar Live Band / Alberta Cross / SMOD / Willy Moon / C2C / The Maccabees / Go Back to the Zoo / The Dirty Denims / Marcel Dettmann / The Whitest Boy Alive / Orgel Vreten / Joris Voorn / Phantom Limb / Clark / Bloc Party / Skrillex / BASSNECTAR / The Black Keys / The Antlers / Enter Shikari / Two Door Cinema Club / The Gaslight Anthem / Eagles of Death Metal / Billy Talent / Cloud Nothings / Django Django / White Rabbits / Refused / Hot Chip / The Walkmen / Charles Bradley / Rizzle Kicks / Of Monsters and Men / Triggerfinger / James Vincent McMorrow / Ghost / Foo Fighters / The Kik / Wilco / Blaudzun / alt-J / Spinvis / Ane Brun / The Cribs / Kasabian / Miike Snow / Mark Lanegan / C2C / Knife Party
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Jon Hopkins / Matthew Dear / Max Cooper / Pantha du Prince / Andy Stott / Kangding Ray / Illum Sphere / Jacaszek / Emptyset / Jennifer Cardini / Anstam / Svarte Greiner / Truss
Calvin Harris / Foster The People / Iron & Wine / Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros / Cold War Kids / José González / Crystal Castles / Plan B / The Naked and Famous / Metronomy / Little Dragon / Robyn / Chase & Status / The Drums / SBTRKT / Pulp / Matt and Kim / Cut Copy / The Streets / White Lies / Paul Kalkbrenner / The Knocks / Crystal Fighters / Rusko / Nicolas Jaar / Katy B / Digitalism / Bag Raiders / Noah & The Whale / Everything Everything / Boys Noize / Gold Panda / Apparat / Jamie Woon / Junip / Swans / Tensnake / DJ Koze / Modeselektor / Junior Boys / Beady Eye / Fritz Kalkbrenner / Gui Boratto / Âme / Siriusmo / Fake Blood / Patrick Wolf / Ellen Allien / Miss Kittin / Azari & III / Les Savy Fav / Richie Hawtin / The Men / Guy Gerber / Crocodiles / Carl Craig / We Have Band / Busy P / These New Puritans / M.A.N.D.Y / When Saints Go Machine / Loco Dice / The Hundred In the Hands / Ben Klock / FM Belfast / Isolee / Atari Teenage Riot / Roman Flugel / Monarchy / Michael Mayer / Planningtorock / D.A.F. / Marcel Dettmann / Clock Opera / Proxy / DJ T / Dananananaykroyd / Superpitcher / Errors / Cosmin TRG / Brandt Brauer Frick / The Sound of Arrows / Kiki / Chaim / Addison Groove / Gerd Janson / Phono / Housemeister / Bodi Bill / Console / Sizarr / Marcel Fengler / Robert johnson / Duchess Says / Carte Blanche / Skinnerbox / Barker & Baumecker / Anstam / Benjamin Damage & Doc Daneeka / T.E.E.D / Mutter / Editselect / Markus Kavka / Tobias Thomas / Arto Mwambé / Stroboscopic Artefacts / The Koletzkis / Oliver Hafenbauer / Ostgut Ton Special / Bpitch / Sizarr Soundsystem / Manuel Raven / Noze Live
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Calvin Harris / Foster The People / Iron & Wine / Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros / Cold War Kids / The Naked and Famous / José González / Crystal Castles / Little Dragon / Robyn / SBTRKT / Matt and Kim / Metronomy / Plan B / Cut Copy / The Drums / Chase & Status / Pulp / White Lies / Noah & The Whale / The Streets / Rusko / Crystal Fighters / Katy B / Digitalism / Bag Raiders / Nicolas Jaar / The Knocks / Gold Panda / Boys Noize / Everything Everything / Paul Kalkbrenner / Jamie Woon / Junip / Junior Boys / Beady Eye / Swans / Tensnake / Modeselektor / DJ Koze / Gui Boratto / Fritz Kalkbrenner / Fake Blood / Patrick Wolf / Âme / Siriusmo / Azari & III / Les Savy Fav / The Men / Crocodiles / Ellen Allien / We Have Band / Miss Kittin / These New Puritans / The Hundred In the Hands / Busy P / Carl Craig / Richie Hawtin / FM Belfast / When Saints Go Machine / Monarchy / Loco Dice / Isolee / M.A.N.D.Y / Ben Klock / Guy Gerber / Atari Teenage Riot / Roman Flugel / Michael Mayer / Clock Opera / Proxy / Planningtorock / Dananananaykroyd / Errors / DJ T / Cosmin TRG / Marcel Dettmann / Superpitcher / D.A.F. / The Sound of Arrows / Brandt Brauer Frick / Addison Groove / Phono / Housemeister / Chaim / Console / Kiki / Bodi Bill / Sizarr / Gerd Janson / Robert johnson / Marcel Fengler / Duchess Says / Carte Blanche / Skinnerbox / Anstam / Barker & Baumecker / Benjamin Damage & Doc Daneeka / T.E.E.D / Editselect / Arto Mwambé / Mutter / Markus Kavka / Tobias Thomas / Apparat Band / Stroboscopic Artefacts / The Koletzkis / Oliver Hafenbauer / Bpitch / Sizarr Soundsystem / Ostgut Ton Special / Manuel Raven / Noze Live / K.I.Z / Editors
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