André Mehmari's 2022 Concert History

Andre Mehmari is considered one of the most talented young musicians of his native Brazil. His activities as pianist, composer, arranger and instrumentalist are highly regarded both in popular and classical music. As his compositions and arrangements have been performed by important Brazilian orchestras (OSESP) and chamber ensembles (São Paulo String Quartet), his career in jazz and Brazilian popular music (MPB) has also attained wide attention as he has gained wide recognition for his music in jazz festivals and concerts.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 09, 2022
Mart'nália / Mônica Salmaso / André Mehmari

Teatro do Sesi 25 Anos

Teatro do Sesi Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Brazilian Jazz
Piano Mpb
Show more genres
2022 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2006 1 concert
 Lucas Gabriel
 Poa Fm

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