Andre Galluzzi Concert History

André Galluzzi was born in Frankfurt and raised in Wiesbaden, and today he lives in Berlin. He started DJing in 1990 in clubs such as Parkcafe (Wiesbaden) and Dorian Gray (Frankfurt). In 1992 he began to perform in Bunker (Berlin) and later on in Tresor (Berlin). Together with Paul Brtschitsch he founded the label Taksi in 1995. Galluzzi is a resident DJ at the Berghain in Berlin.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 10, 2007 –
Aug 12, 2007
Sonne Mond Sterne
2Raumwohnung / Akufen / Ame / Ana / Andre Galluzzi / Bassface Sascha / Bill Youngman / Chopstick & John Jon / Chris Tietjen / Client / D.Diggler / Dave Clarke / Der Dritte Raum / dHoerste aka White Horse / DibuZ vs. MasCon / Die Fantastischen Vier / Dixon / DJ Divinity / DJ Rush / Ellen Allien / Erobique / Extrawelt / Faithless / Felix Kröcher Show all bands
Bleilochtalsperre Saalburg, Germany
 Tommy Breitenstein

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