Amory Concert History

From the birth of rock and roll in 1954 to the hits of today’s pop culture, New Jersey rock outfit, Amory, bridges the gap between the classics and the contemporaries. Overshadowed by the success of the current music trend, Amory brings to you “Better Days” a collection of 7 songs giving insight into a new revolution of music, life, and culture. The notion that “everything happens for a reason” drives this band’s optimistic perception on life and their careers within the music industry.

Date Concert Venue Location
No concerts found
2008 1 concert
2007 1 concert
2006 3 concerts
2001 1 concert
 Michael Shugars
 Katrina Mc Grady
 Aye Aye Music
 Kevin Dangeresque Brennan
 Anna B
 Sam Litwin
 Jesse Moto
 Josie Williams
 Joshua Mayer
 Brittni Greenhair

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