All Gone Dead Concert History

1. Our story starts here with a lost soul, Stich, who kicked around the streets of Salt Lake City, Utah, with unhallowed bands such as the vicious Tragic Black and the mysterious Hollow Tongue, where he made his dark presence felt.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 18, 2018 –
May 21, 2018
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2018
The Jesus and Mary Chain / Wardruna / rome / Boy Harsher / The New Division / Front Line Assembly / The KVB / Tiamat / Mr.Kitty / Eivør / Heidevolk / Dive / Zeromancer / God Module / Greyhound / Les Discrets / Schandmaul / Paddy & the Rats / Skeletal Family / The Other / Solitary Experiments / SITD / Trisomie 21 / Author & Punisher / Seigmen / Diorama / Cellar Darling / First Hate / Arcana / Feuerschwanz / Drifter / Wolfchant / Ye Banished Privateers / Detachments / Centhron / Ash Code / Crisis / Grave Pleasures / Chameleons Vox / Second Still / Monolith / Heimataerde / Einar Selvik / Ost+Front / Rapalje / Zanias / Dool / Elegant Machinery / The Beauty of Gemina / Ataraxia / Illuminate / Samsas Traum / The Eden House / Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld / Raison d'Etre / Torul / Boytronic / Imperium Dekadenz / Dead Leaf Echo / Then Comes Silence / Vomito Negro / Nytt Land / The Crimson Ghosts / Autobahn / Phosgore / Grimner / Nothgard / Heldmaschine / Sturm Cafe / Traitrs / Bootblacks / A PROJECTION / Schonwald / E-Craft / Pyogenesis / Jo Quail / Principe Valiente / Trepaneringsritualen / Merciful Nuns / kiEw / Extize / Sarin / Monica Richards / Klutae / Kaunan / Hapax / Formalin / Synapscape / Fairytale / Undertheskin / Sulpher / CONFRONTATIONAL / Svartsinn / Hekate / Silent Runners / All Gone Dead / Black Line / Actors (CA) / Cesair / Seelennacht / ÆON RINGS / Kaizer / Ingrimm / Vogon Poetry / Imminent / Xenturion Prime / Haul / Eden Weint Im Grab / The Last Cry / Die Kammer / scheuber / crying vessel / Vocame / Oberer Totpunkt / SUIR / Mystigma / Traumtaenzer / Dageist / Molllust / Scarlet and the spooky spiders / Palast / Unterschicht / Black Light Ascension / Mercury's Antennae / Phil Shöenfelt & Southern Cross / Hexheart / Readership Hostile / Feline and Strange / Monica Jeffries / suld / Eminenz / Model Kaos / Fabrik C / Beinhaus / Surturs Lohe / Rosa Crvx / Stahlr / Nachtsucher / Totus Gaudeo / Buzz kill / Spark! (SWE) / Sardh / JOY/DISASTER (Fr) / midgards boten / Japan Selbstmord / kalter Krieg Show all bands
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Jul 27, 2007 –
Jul 28, 2007
Gothic Festival 2007
Nitzer Ebb / Hocico / Project Pitchfork / Diary of Dreams / In Strict Confidence / Punish Yourself / Star Industry / Grendel / Kloq / kiEw / Front 242 / Covenant / Kirlian Camera / Agonoize / The Breath Of Life / Skeletal Family / This Morn' Omina / Inkubus Sukkubus / Katzenjammer Kabarett / All Gone Dead / Jacquy Bitch / O Quam Tristis... Show all bands
Waregem Expo Waregem, Belgium
May 10, 2007
All Gone Dead / iKON / Joy Disaster Lorraine, France Nancy, Grand Est, France
Feb 14, 2007
Cinema Strange / Joy Disaster / All Gone Dead The Purple Turtle London, England, United Kingdom
Dec 01, 2006
Funeral Diner / Comadre / Mohoram Atta / Outraged / All Gone Dead 924 Gilman Berkeley, California, United States
Jun 02, 2006 –
Jun 05, 2006
XV. Wave-Gotik-Treffen
Genitorturers / Lacrimosa / Gothminister / Tragic Black / James Rays Gangwar / Bloody Dead and Sexy / Bloodsucking Zombies from outer Space / Plush Insane / Ausgang / Götterdämmerung / All Gone Dead / Scarlett's Remains / Chants of Malodor / Bhantier / The Pain Machinery / The Spook / And One / Feindflug / Sonar / God Module / Tactical Sekt / Glis / Violent Entity / Reaper / Mesh / The Twins / DECODED FEEDBACK / Cephalgy / Metallspürhunde / Lola Angst / XP8 / Agonoize / One Two / VNV Nation / Cat Rapes Dog / [:SITD:] / Destroid / Vigilante / Necro Facility / Imperative Reaction / Nitzer Ebb / Combichrist / Trial / Catastrophe Ballet / Witt / Accessory / Hatesex / Division Kent Show all bands
Various venues Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Cold Wave
Gothic Metal
Gothic Rock
Show more genres
2018 1 concert
2007 3 concerts
2006 2 concerts
 Zoltan Usher
 Lisa Nocturne

As Seen On: