Alice Wonder Concert History

The young Alice Wonder starts her musical career recording videos in the solitude of her room and sharing these magic moments with the world through social media. She adapts and appropriates some of the most exciting songs of the recent years. It moves in an ambiguous register, with an incredibly dark voice, black, grave, souly, but delicate, with a special profoundness that overflows its own intimacy and ours.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 23, 2023 –
Jul 30, 2023
Atlàntida Mallorca Film Fest 2023
Natalia Lacunza / Belén Aguilera / Alice Wonder / Ladilla Rusa / shego / Putochinomaricón / Júlia Colom / Queralt Lahoz / Núria Graham / Socunbohemio / Lorena Álvarez / Rocío Saiz / Algora / Jordi Maranges / Evripidis And His Tragedies / La Niña Jacarandá / Papa Topo DJ Show all bands
Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain
Mar 04, 2023 –
Mar 05, 2023
Femme Creators
Alba Reche / Alice Wonder / Ainoa Buitrago / Suu / Ganges / Las Dianas / Yoly Saa / Pantocrator
Pista de Patinaje Madrid Rio Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Jan 31, 2023 –
Feb 04, 2023
Sharonne / Aritz / Sofía Martin / Agoney / MEGARA / Alice Wonder / Meler / Fusa Nocta / Twin Melody / Alfred García / Blanca Paloma / E'FEMME / Famous / José Otero / Karmento / rakky ripper / Siderland / Vicco
Palau d’Esports L’Illa de Benidorm Benidorm, Valencia, Spain
Jun 13, 2019 –
Jun 15, 2019
O Son do Camiño 2019
David Guetta / Black Eyed Peas / Bastille / Bloc Party / Iggy Pop / The Hives / Die Antwoord / Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike / W&W / Richard Ashcroft / ROSALIA / Graveyard / Vetusta Morla / Royal Republic / Iván Ferreiro / Beret / Second / The Zombie Kids / Bad Gyal / Ayax y Prok / Varry Brava / Full / Hard GZ / ELYELLA / Shinova / Eme DJ / Alice Wonder / Igloo / Cariño / Kitai / Marem Ladson / Baiuca / Molina Molina / Familia Caamagno / Mordem / O.R.T.I.G.A Show all bands
Monte Do Gozo Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
Trip Hop
Spanish Indie Pop
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2023 2 concerts
2019 1 concert
 Marina González
 Capturing My World
 Diego Rodríguez
 Gerard López López
 Maria Caneda

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