Ali Eskandarian's 2005 Concert History

Ali Eskandarian’s transnational upbringing makes him a prescient voice for our era. The Iranian-American troubadour draws upon influences as discrete as American folk, rock and traditional Persian music to craft songs about love, travel, politics and loneliness. The results have earned him comparisons to greats like Bob Dylan and Jeff Buckley. Ali was born in Pensacola, FL, on September 11, 1978, to a father who was an officer in the Iranian Air Force.

Persian Rock
2009 2 concerts
2008 16 concerts
2007 3 concerts
2006 3 concerts
2005 1 concert
 Buz Zann
 Joe Maloney
 Thomas Vacchino
 Bryan P.
 Jen Pope
 Dan Stapleton
 Ashleigh Huber
 Leah Docktor
 Donald Carson
 Eazel Rodulfa
 David Shindle
 Jessika Lynn22

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