Alaskan Concert History

Alaskan is an atmospheric Post-Metal band from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada featuring members of The Vanishing Act, Roughhouse, Malvo, Whale Cry, Elephantoms, Motivator and The Wishlist whose releases can be downloaded for free on their bandcamp. 2014 has been a big year so far for Alaskan. Their newest release, Despair, Erosion, Loss, was released this year following by a month long tour of Europe in support of the record. 2 videos for songs off of said record have also been released. Alaskan is currently writing 2 new songs for 2 upcoming splits. They will most likely be releasing an EP as...

Compositional Ambient
Atmospheric Post-Metal
Atmospheric Sludge
2014 2 concerts
2013 1 concert
2011 2 concerts
 Jesse Fillmore
 Sʟᴇᴠɪɴ Kᴇʟᴇᴠʀᴀ

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