Advent was an American metallic hardcore band based out of North Carolina. Originally formed from three out of the five members of Beloved, Advent took their music in a much more aggressive sound. They released two album, Removed The Earth (08) and Naked And Cold (09) through Solid State Records. The band announced in July of 2011 that they had disbanded and played their final two shows on September 2 and 3 in South and North Carolina.
Between The Buried And Me / He Is Legend / Yearling / a kiss for jersey / Patterns / Stretch Arm Strong / Advent / Torch Runner / Blankface / Violent Life Violent Death / Glass Casket / Knives Exchanging Hands / Azazel / Wretched / And By Love
Madball / Pain of Truth / All Out War / Advent / Invoke / End of Sanity / Stand Still / Contention / Fading Signal / Hold My Own / Eyez Wide Shut / Risk / Raw Life / Street Struck / D Bloc / Fever Strike / Raw Hex
Manchester Orchestra / The Ghost Inside / Elliott / Blindside / Poison the Well / Joy Boy / Mock Orange / Watashi Wa / Stairwell / The Appleseed Cast / Roadside Monument / Hidden In Plain View / Squad 5-0 / Five Iron Frenzy / The Spill Canvas / Advent / Advent / Life In Your Way / The Showdown / Counterparts / Misery Signals / Figure Four / Earth Crisis / Bleeding Through / Demon Hunter / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Godseyes / Stay Lost / Idle Threat / My Children My Bride / The Joy Formidable / Sunny Day Real Estate
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Thrice / Shadows Fall / New Found Glory / Movements / The Acacia Strain / Alexisonfire / Fiddlehead / Stretch Arm Strong / Quicksand / Angel Dust / Madball / Drug Church / Norma Jean / Integrity / Anti-Flag / E. Town Concrete / The News Can Wait / Midtown / Glasseater / ‘68 / Strung Out / Close Your Eyes / Games We Play / Impending Doom / Morning Again / Doll Skin / Capra / Dead to Fall / The Darling Fire / Forced Neglect / One Step Closer / Fauxdeep / Apprehend / Sunny Day Real Estate / Blindside / Manchester Orchestra / Pedro The Lion / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / The Ghost Inside / The Spill Canvas / Demon Hunter / Poison the Well / Five Iron Frenzy / Earth Crisis / Squad 5-0 / Elliott / Bleeding Through / Hidden In Plain View / Cursive / Figure Four / Roadside Monument / The Joy Formidable / Misery Signals / The Appleseed Cast / MyChildren MyBride / Counterparts / Stairwell / Idle Threat / The Showdown / Watashi Wa / Life In Your Way / Stay Lost / Mock Orange / Advent / Godseyes / Joy Boy / Mastodon / American Nightmare / Descendents / Mom Jeans / Sick Of It All / The Story So Far / As Friends Rust / Agnostic Front / In Flames / Nothing / Avail / Slow Crush / Periphery / Strike Anywhere / A Wilhelm Scream / Lagwagon / Stick To Your Guns / Koyo / Four Year Strong / The Red Chord / The Higher / Spiritbox / Kublai Khan TX / Soul Glo / Comeback Kid / Dying Wish / Free Throw / Get The Shot / Jesus Piece / Belmont / Wristmeetrazor / Orbit Culture / Just Like Heaven
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Thrice / Shadows Fall / New Found Glory / Movements / The Acacia Strain / Alexisonfire / Fiddlehead / Stretch Arm Strong / Quicksand / Angel Du$t / Madball / Drug Church / Norma Jean / Integrity / Apprehend / Anti-Flag / The News Can Wait / Midtown / Glasseater / '68 / Strung Out / Close Your Eyes / Games We Play / Impending Doom / Morning Again / Doll Skin / Capra / Dead To Fall / The Darling Fire / Forced Neglect / One Step Closer / Fauxdeep / Sunny Day Real Estate / Blindside / Manchester Orchestra / Pedro The Lion / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / The Ghost Inside / The Spill Canvas / Demon Hunter / Poison the Well / Five Iron Frenzy / Earth Crisis / Squad 5-0 / Elliott / Bleeding Through / Hidden In Plain View / Cursive / Figure Four / Roadside Monument / The Joy Formidable / Misery Signals / The Appleseed Cast / MyChildren MyBride / Counterparts / Stairwell / Idle Threat / The Showdown / Watashi Wa / Life In Your Way / Stay Lost / Mock Orange / Advent / Godseyes / Joy Boy / Mastodon / American Nightmare / Descendents / Mom Jeans. / Sick of It All / The Story So Far / As Friends Rust / Agnostic Front / In Flames / Nothing / Avail / SLOW CRUSH / Periphery / Strike Anywhere / A Wilhelm Scream / Lagwagon / Stick To Your Guns / Koyo / Four Year Strong / The Red Chord / The Higher / Spiritbox / Kublai Khan TX / Soul Glo / Comeback Kid / Dying Wish / Free Throw / Get the Shot / Jesus Piece / Belmont / Wristmeetrazor / Orbit Culture / Just Like Heaven / E-Town Concrete
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'68 / A Wilhelm Scream / Advent / Agnostic Front / Alexisonfire / American Nightmare / Angel Du$t (US) / Anti-Flag / Apprehend / As Friends Rust / Avail / Belmont / Bleeding Through / Blindside / Capra / Close Your Eyes / Comeback Kid / Counterparts / Cursive / Dead To Fall / Demon Hunter / Descendents / Doll Skin / Drug Church / Dying Wish / E.Town Concrete / Earth Crisis / Elliott / Fauxdeep / Fiddlehead / Figure Four / Five Iron Frenzy / Forced Neglect / Four Years Strong / Free Throw / Games We Play / Get the Shot / Glasseater / Godseyes / Hidden In Plain View / Idle Threat / Impending Doom / In Flames / Integrity / Jesus Piece / Joyboy / Just Like Heaven / Koyo / Kublai Khan TX / Lagwagon / Life In Your Way / Madball / Manchester Orchestra / Mastodon / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / Midtown / Misery Signals / Mock Orange / Mom Jeans. / Morning Again / Movements / MyChildren MyBride / Norma Jean / Nothing / One Step Closer / Orbit Culture / Pedro The Lion / Periphery / Poison the Well / Quicksand / Roadside Monument / Shadows Fall / Sick of It All / SLOW CRUSH / Soul Glo / Spiritbox / Squad 5-0 / Stairwell / Stay Lost / Stick To Your Guns / Stretch Arm Strong / Strike Anywhere / Strung Out / Sunny Day Real Estate / The Acacia Strain / The Appleseed Cast / The Darling Fire / The Ghost Inside / The Higher / The Joy Formidable / The News Can Wait / The Red Chord / The Showdown / The Spill Canvas / The Story So Far / Thrice / Watashi Wa / Wristmeetrazor
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One Step Closer / Capra / Impending Doom / Close Your Eyes / Midtown / Norma Jean / Angel Du$t / The Acacia Strain / Alexisonfire / New Found Glory / Counterparts / Blindside / Dying Wish / Comeback Kid / Four Year Strong / The Story So Far / Fauxdeep / The Darling Fire / Doll Skin / Games We Play / '68 / The News Can Wait / Open Hand / Fiddlehead / Movements / Forced Neglect / Morning Again / Glasseater / E-Town Concrete / Integrity / Madball / Stretch Arm Strong / Shadows Fall / Dead To Fall / Strung Out / Anti-Flag / Quicksand / Thrice / Joy Boy / Mock Orange / Watashi Wa / Stairwell / The Appleseed Cast / Roadside Monument / Hidden In Plain View / Squad 5-0 / Five Iron Frenzy / The Spill Canvas / Pedro The Lion / Advent / Life In Your Way / The Showdown / Misery Signals / Figure Four / Bleeding Through / Earth Crisis / Demon Hunter / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Godseyes / Stay Lost / Idle Threat / MyChildren MyBride / The Joy Formidable / Cursive / Elliott / Poison the Well / The Ghost Inside / Manchester Orchestra / Sunny Day Real Estate / Just Like Heaven / Belmont / Free Throw / Soul Glo / The Higher / Koyo / A Wilhelm Scream / SLOW CRUSH / Nothing / As Friends Rust / Mom Jeans. / Wristmeetrazor / Get the Shot / The Red Chord / Stick To Your Guns / Strike Anywhere / Avail / Agnostic Front / Sick of It All / American Nightmare / Orbit Culture / Jesus Piece / Lagwagon / Periphery / In Flames / Descendents / Mastodon
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Blindside / The Red Chord / As Friends Rust / E-Town Concrete / Poison the Well / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Stretch Armstrong / Earth Crisis / The Acacia Strain / Kublai Khan TX / Madball / Comeback Kid / Mastodon / Misery Signals / Life In Your Way / Thrice / Shadows Fall / Bleeding Through / In Flames / Dead To Fall / Impending Doom / New Found Glory / Advent / Midtown / Close Your Eyes / Strung Out / 68' / Glasseater / Alexisonfire / Doll Skin / The News Can’t Wait / Joy Boy / Idle Threat / The Showdown / Stairwell / Counterparts / The Joy Formidable / Cursive / Figure Four / Hidden In Plain View / Elliot / Demon Hunter / Get the Shot / Lagwagon / A Wilhelm Scream / Strike Anywhere / Periphery / Sick of It All / Avail / The Descendents / American Nightmare / The Ghost Inside / The Story So Far / Sunny Day Real Estate / Manchester Orchestra
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I Am / Frost Koffin / Relentless / Souls / Empire Down / Trangression / Omen / Give Way / OTM / Prime / Fenced In / Advent / War Prayer / Low End / Stepping Stone / Liars Tongue / Swing Low / Cold Shoulder / Remain and Sustain / Chain Of Command / Crafter / Hushed / While God Sleeps / Enemy of God / Terrified Eyes / Gadget
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Blistered / Merauder / Indecision / King Nine / Gag / Billy Club Sandwich / Jesus Piece / Jukai / Spine / Gatecreeper / Bind / Dead and Dreaming / Sect / Year of the Knife / Abuse of Power / Slow Fire Pistol / Faze / Uzi Kids / trapped under ice / Strife / Criminal Instinct / Take Offense / The Wrongside / Advent / Lifeless / Three Knee Deep / Trail Of Lies / Eternal Sleep / Malice at the Palace / Odd Man Out / Drawing Last Breath / Subliminal Control / Invoke / Klout / The Real Cost / Flamethrower
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