Ademilde Fonseca Concert History

Ademilde Fonseca was born in the village of Pirituba, in the city of São Gonçalo of Amarante (RN), in Mar 4, 1921. Move to Natal (RN) when was 4 y.o. Marry the musician Naldimar Gedeão, with who was for Rio De Janeiro, in 1941. Worked in radio and it sang in programs of freshmen until getting success with its interpretation of the immortal song "Tico-tico no Fubá" to the side of the "regional" (tippical band) of Benedict Lacerda. First record: 1942.

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 16, 1983
Chapéu de Palha / Ademilde Fonseca / Moreira da Silva

Domingueira Voadora

Circo Voador Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Velha Guarda
 Poa Fm

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