Abudu's 2014 Concert History

ABUDU (eng. „both“) is a band made up of five people with one common goal - to wring themselves dry down to the last drop when on stage, leaving nothing for themselves. The work of "Abudu" mixes the guitar with electronic sounds, the vocals described as lyrical and quiet, though occasionally bold and rebellious. Their work features a common theme of nostalgia and an appreciation for the present, the emotions conveyed in their songs connecting the creations, revealing a reality where everything is temporary and fleeting.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 01, 2014 –
Aug 03, 2014
Jess Glynne / Beissoul & Einius / Saulius Prūsaitis / Marijonas Mikutavičius / G&G Sindikatas / Solo Ansamblis / Tie Geresni / ba. / Jama & W / Daddy Was a Milkman / Colour of Bubbles / Wolfsome / Abudu / Erica Jennings / Lilas ir Innomine / Mad Money Show all bands
Rumšiškės Museum Rūdiškės, Vilnius, Lithuania
Alternative Rock
Lithuanian Pop
Baltic Post-Punk
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2023 1 concert
2014 1 concert

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