A Vitória Rėgia Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 10, 2014 –
Jul 12, 2014
Alive 2014
Noiserv / Midland / Temples / The Lumineers / A Vitória Rėgia / Pantha du Prince / Imagine Dragons / Interpol / Arctic Monkeys / Jamie xx / Allen Stone / The Vicious Five / The Last Internationale / MGMT / The Black Keys / Au Revoir Simone / SBTRKT / Caribou / Gin Party Soundsystem / Tom Mash / You Can't Win, Charlie Brown / Drenge / SOHN / Juba / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / PAUS / Foster The People / The Libertines / Chet Faker / Nicolas Jaar Show all bands
Passeio Marítimo de Algés Algés, Lisbon, Portugal
Brazilian Evangelical Music

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