A.Human hail from the Dalston area of London. They tell stories about love, the damned, the strange and everything in-between. Vintage keyboards punctuate soaring triggered samples while rolling drums form an epic backdrop to wry and amusing lyrics. They draw influence from the disco soul of DFA and thoughtful dance music of New Order through to the art school originality of Talking Heads and lo-fi electronica of Arthur Russell. Their universally...
Mumford & Sons / First Aid Kit / Friendly Fires / Paloma Faith / Everything Everything / Ladytron / We Were Promised Jetpacks / fanfarlo / Delphic / Easy Star All-Stars / V.V. Brown / N.A.S.A. / Hawkwind / We Have Band / The Whip / Ed Harcourt / The Invisible / The Rumble Strips / Chew Lips / Casiokids / Nostalgia 77 / Dent May / Tony Christie / Pulled Apart By Horses / Tommy Sparks / Jonquil / Adam Freeland / Freeland / Micachu & The Shapes / The Aliens / Golden Silvers / Kap Bambino / Son of Dave / Flashguns / Greg Wilson / Sun Ra Arkestra / Joséphine / Banjo Or Freakout / Femi Kuti and the Positive Force / Gabby Young / Detroit Social Club / Richard James / Your Twenties / Yes Sir Boss / Chrome Hoof / Hook & The Twin / Revere / Babyhead / Josh weller / Invasion / Joe Gideon & The Shark / They Came From The Stars I Saw Them / Mr. David Viner / Worm / Selfish Cunt / Disasteradio / Mothlite / Louis Barabbas & The Bedlam Six / Citadels / Tim Ten Yen / A.Human / Delirium Tremens / A. Human / Deathray Trebuchay / The Fabulous Penetrators / Chancery Blame & The Gadjo Club / Mano De Dios / The Fontanas / The Langley Sisters / Wichita / Vardo and the Boss / Five Minute Pop Promo / Annie D. / Eddy Temple-Morris / Dave Haslam / Ark People / Iain Woods and the Psychologist / Lulu Lampshade / Cat & Max / vipersuzas / Delerium Tremens
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Franz Ferdinand / The National / Neil Young / Iron & Wine / Fleet Foxes / Sigur Rós / Lykke Li / The Flaming Lips / José González / Kelis / N.E.R.D. / Yeasayer / Four Tet / Lil' Kim / Buzzcocks / Okkervil River / Caesars / The Dodos / Booka Shade / Mando Diao / fanfarlo / HEALTH / No Age / Grinderman / Sonic Youth / A Place To Bury Strangers / Kid Sister / Håkan Hellström / The Sonics / Holy Fuck / Joan As Police Woman / Louis XIV / The Bug / Buraka Som Sistema / Petter / Lightspeed Champion / Dengue Fever / Familjen / The Gutter Twins / Wildbirds & Peacedrums / Looptroop Rockers / Sahara Hotnights / Frida Hyvönen / Scott Matthew / Adam Tensta / The Mae Shi / Andreas Kleerup / Dust / Christian Kjellvander / DaPuntoBeat / Division of Laura Lee / Ingrid Olava / The Night Marchers / Silje Nes / Silverbullit / Dark Meat / I ARE DROID / Ikons / Chords / faca / Kool DJ Dust / A.Human / All Out Dubstep / The High Hats / Kenge Kenge / Henry Fiat's Open Sore / Broder Daniel / Park hotell / les Big Bird / Hederos/Hellberg / Kristofer Åström & Rainaways / Kool Dj
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Cage The Elephant / Lykke Li / The Flaming Lips / Paolo Nutini / Groove Armada / Goldfrapp / The Human League / Manu Chao / Kate Nash / Rufus Wainwright / The Dandy Warhols / White Lies / Wiley / Pnau / Maxïmo Park / The Charlatans / Ladyhawke / Sébastien Tellier / Ocean Colour Scene / The Lemonheads / The Go! Team / Jack Peñate / Alphabeat / Lethal Bizzle / Laura Veirs / Ida Maria / Easy Star All-Stars / Kraak & Smaak / Âme / Alela Diane / Midnight Juggernauts / The Black Seeds / Roni Size / Alex Metric / Stanton Warriors / Todd Terry / Buraka Som Sistema / Toddla T / Mr. C / Lightspeed Champion / Dengue Fever / Liam Finn / Howling Bells / Young Knives / Hayseed Dixie / Herve / Natty / Operator Please / The Nextmen / The Dynamics / Drop The Lime / Errors / Damian Lazarus / Seun Kuti / Adam Freeland / Youngblood Brass Band / Tom Baxter / Das Pop / Johnny Foreigner / Lee Burridge / Reprazent / Mr. Hudson & The Library / Esser / The Glimmers / Horse Meat Disco / Ebony Bones! / DJ Mehdi / Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 / Simon Baker / Bosh / D'Julz / Craig Richards / Maurice Fulton / Guillaume & the Coutu Dumonts / Erro / Hatcham Social / Various Production / STRANGELOVE - The Depeche Mode Experience / Leon Jean-Marie / Horse / Idjut Boys / Rachel Unthank & The Winterset / Meat Market / Trojan Sound System / The Padded Cell / Secretsundaze / Mehdi / DIY / Sergeant / Smerins Anti-Social Club / Munch Munch / Think of One / Ralph Lawson / Headliners / The Recovery / ddd / Geddes / Mulletover / Severino / The Dirty Stop Outs / The Displacements / Giles Smith / Young Blood Brass Band / James Priestley / A.Human / Liam Gerner / The Guests / A. Human / The Glimmer Twins / Slips / Eats Tapes / Rachel Barton / All Night / Richard Sen / Rachel Unthank / Simon Morell / Dead Meat / House of Brothers / Sancho Panza / Wylie / Klaus Says Buy The Record / Mr H / Fat 45 / Rgbs / Toddla / Lovebox Weekender / Bang the Box / Last.fm DJ Team / Stockade / P N a U / Steve Kotey / European Man / Rob Star / Public Service Announcers / Jim Stanton & James Hillard / Frank Tope / Love's Tru Flavour / Josh Wellar / Eats Tape
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Cage The Elephant / Lykke Li / The Flaming Lips / Paolo Nutini / Goldfrapp / Groove Armada / Kate Nash / The Human League / Manu Chao / Rufus Wainwright / The Dandy Warhols / White Lies / Wiley / Maxïmo Park / Pnau / The Charlatans / Ladyhawke / Sébastien Tellier / Ocean Colour Scene / The Lemonheads / The Go! Team / Jack Peñate / Alphabeat / Laura Veirs / Ida Maria / Lethal Bizzle / Easy Star All-Stars / Kraak & Smaak / Alela Diane / Âme / Midnight Juggernauts / The Black Seeds / Roni Size / Alex Metric / Stanton Warriors / Buraka Som Sistema / Todd Terry / Lightspeed Champion / Mr. C / Toddla T / Dengue Fever / Liam Finn / Howling Bells / Young Knives / Hayseed Dixie / Herve / Operator Please / Natty / Drop The Lime / Errors / The Nextmen / Damian Lazarus / Das Pop / Adam Freeland / Seun Kuti / Tom Baxter / Johnny Foreigner / Youngblood Brass Band / The Dynamics / Reprazent / Lee Burridge / Mr. Hudson & The Library / Esser / The Glimmers / Ebony Bones! / DJ Mehdi / Horse Meat Disco / Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 / Simon Baker / D'Julz / Craig Richards / Guillaume & the Coutu Dumonts / Hatcham Social / Erro / Various Production / Leon Jean-Marie / Maurice Fulton / Horse / Rachel Unthank & The Winterset / Idjut Boys / Meat Market / The Padded Cell / Trojan Sound System / Secretsundaze / Munch Munch / Sergeant / Smerins Anti-Social Club / Mehdi / Think of One / DIY / Ralph Lawson / Headliners / The Recovery / ddd / Geddes / Mulletover / Bosh / The Displacements / Severino / The Dirty Stop Outs / Giles Smith / Young Blood Brass Band / James Priestley / A.Human / Liam Gerner / A. Human / Eats Tapes / The Guests / Rachel Barton / The Glimmer Twins / Slips / All Night / Richard Sen / Rachel Unthank / Simon Morell / House of Brothers / Dead Meat / Klaus Says Buy The Record / Wylie / Sancho Panza / Mr H / Rgbs / Fat 45 / Toddla / Lovebox Weekender / Bang the Box / Steve Kotey / Last.fm DJ Team / Stockade / Public Service Announcers / P N a U / European Man / Rob Star / Jim Stanton & James Hillard / Frank Tope / Love's Tru Flavour / STRANGELOVE - The Depeche Mode Experience / Josh Wellar / Eats Tape
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Cage The Elephant / Lykke Li / The Flaming Lips / Paolo Nutini / Groove Armada / Goldfrapp / The Human League / Manu Chao / Kate Nash / Rufus Wainwright / The Dandy Warhols / White Lies / Wiley / Pnau / Maxïmo Park / The Charlatans / Ladyhawke / Sébastien Tellier / Ocean Colour Scene / The Lemonheads / The Go! Team / Jack Peñate / Alphabeat / Lethal Bizzle / Laura Veirs / Ida Maria / Easy Star All-Stars / Kraak & Smaak / Âme / Alela Diane / Midnight Juggernauts / The Black Seeds / Roni Size / Alex Metric / Stanton Warriors / Todd Terry / Buraka Som Sistema / Toddla T / Mr. C / Lightspeed Champion / Dengue Fever / Liam Finn / Howling Bells / Young Knives / Hayseed Dixie / Herve / Natty / Operator Please / The Nextmen / The Dynamics / Drop The Lime / Errors / Damian Lazarus / Seun Kuti / Adam Freeland / Youngblood Brass Band / Tom Baxter / Das Pop / Johnny Foreigner / Lee Burridge / Reprazent / Mr. Hudson & The Library / Esser / The Glimmers / Horse Meat Disco / Ebony Bones! / DJ Mehdi / Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 / Simon Baker / Bosh / D'Julz / Craig Richards / Maurice Fulton / Guillaume & the Coutu Dumonts / Erro / Hatcham Social / Various Production / STRANGELOVE - The Depeche Mode Experience / Leon Jean-Marie / Horse / Idjut Boys / Rachel Unthank & The Winterset / Meat Market / Trojan Sound System / The Padded Cell / Secretsundaze / Mehdi / DIY / Sergeant / Smerins Anti-Social Club / Munch Munch / Think of One / Ralph Lawson / Headliners / The Recovery / ddd / Geddes / Mulletover / Severino / The Dirty Stop Outs / The Displacements / Giles Smith / Young Blood Brass Band / James Priestley / A.Human / Liam Gerner / The Guests / A. Human / The Glimmer Twins / Slips / Eats Tapes / Rachel Barton / All Night / Richard Sen / Rachel Unthank / Simon Morell / Dead Meat / House of Brothers / Sancho Panza / Wylie / Klaus Says Buy The Record / Mr H / Fat 45 / Rgbs / Toddla / Lovebox Weekender / Bang the Box / Last.fm DJ Team / Stockade / P N a U / Steve Kotey / European Man / Rob Star / Public Service Announcers / Jim Stanton & James Hillard / Frank Tope / Love's Tru Flavour / Josh Wellar / Eats Tape
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Calvin Harris / Lykke Li / Little Dragon / Robyn / The Ting Tings / Friendly Fires / Volbeat / The Heavy / The Bloody Beetroots / Alexi Murdoch / Yelle / Ladyhawke / The Dø / Nneka / The Hoosiers / Hooverphonic / Does It Offend You, Yeah? / Soko / Alphabeat / Milow / Mapei / Ida Maria / Blood Red Shoes / Reverend and The Makers / WhoMadeWho / I'm From Barcelona / Racoon / Goose / The Whip / Miss Li / Kitty, Daisy & Lewis / AaRON / The Blackout / Lightspeed Champion / Cult of Luna / Turisas / Pete and The Pirates / Sophie Hunger / Para One / Delain / The Dead 60s / Noir / Those Dancing Days / Surkin / Familjen / Adept / Mustasch / Miss Platnum / Friska Viljor / Slagsmålsklubben / Thomas Azier / The Kissaway Trail / Wildbirds & Peacedrums / Pete Philly & Perquisite / Modena City Ramblers / Polarkreis 18 / Hanne Hukkelberg / Sunshine / Kissy Sell Out / Cathy Davey / Sonny J / Styles / Alamo Race Track / Mugison / Baloji / Moonbabies / Sarah Bettens / Detektivbyrån / Republic Of Loose / Unkle Bob / The Shortwave Set / The Dykeenies / The Shining / Bobmo / The Metros / Clara Luzia / Krypteria / Zdob și Zdub / Op:l Bastards / More Than a Thousand / The Hunger / Envelopes / Von Hertzen Brothers / Palladium / Neverstore / Promise and the Monster / Clueless / Stone Gods / Elvira Nikolaisen / Grand Island / Kal / Superfamily / Burst / Irene / Chrome Hoof / Taxi Taxi! / Dez Mona / As In Rebekkamaria / Halves / Jakobinarina / Aloan / Grand / Elektrons / The Gypsies / The Pistolas / Ripchord / A Silent Express / Erlend Ropstad / Leonard De Leonard / Andi Almqvist / Florian Horwath / Kingfisher Sky / Fusedmarc / Eternal Tango / Pioneers of Love / Little Cow / Ранетки / Krakow / Saint Pauli / A.Human / Boozed / We Are Balboa / Si Schroeder / LAXULA / Stalingrad Cowgirls / Cappello A Cilindro / Florian Wolff / Sixtyniners / Shishani / Swelter / Thee J. Johanz / Jean Parlette / Boys In a Band / June in December / ERLING / Bram Dehont / De Kraan / De Straaljagers / Sick Sinus / Music for the defect / Dans le Rock / rolodex / The Tommycats / Gheestenland / Believeisadoubt / Mass of Critics / Theux / Sir Scotsman of Spain
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Passenger / Metronomy / of Montreal / Echo & the Bunnymen / Kate Nash / Scouting for Girls / Frank Turner / Newton Faulkner / Jamie Woon / Noisettes / The Hoosiers / Soko / Foy Vance / Mark Lanegan / Does It Offend You, Yeah? / Au Revoir Simone / The Pierces / Girls / Reverend and The Makers / Fujiya & Miyagi / New Young Pony Club / Utah Saints / Keren Ann / I'm From Barcelona / I Am Kloot / Alabama 3 / dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip / Goose / Kitty, Daisy & Lewis / The Sunshine Underground / Kate Walsh / Natty / Isobel Campbell / Little Barrie / Rinôçérôse / Prince Buster / The Electric Soft Parade / Beans on Toast / Terry Reid / Kitty / The Deadbeats / Sohodolls / Das Pop / Shy Child / The Shivers / Robots In Disguise / Peter And The Wolf / Hexstatic / Coburn / Moonbabies / Unkle Bob / Hafdis Huld / South Central / Go Home Productions / Prinzhorn Dance School / The Shakes / The Secret Garden Party / Helene / Laura Groves / Radar / Euros Childs / Josephine Oniyama / Union of Knives / Sam Isaac / Gabby Young / Timid Tiger / Battle / Jstar / Urban Myth Club / Candie Payne / Paul Goodwin / Hey Negrita / Middleman / Mancini / Josh weller / The Brute Chorus / MADAM / Kristoffer Ragnstam / Inferno / The New York Fund / Headland / The Hot Puppies / Sunday Driver / Subsource / Jagz Kooner / Officers / Evi Vine / Jon Redfern / Shuffle / Laroca / Hooked / Eskimo Disco / Hamfatter / Emily Maguire / Drive By Argument / Eddy Temple Morris / Mia Riddle / Officer Kicks / A.Human / Earl Okin / Anton Barbeau / A. Human / Tallulah Rendall / Pathaan / The Winchell Riots / Indigo Moss / Hush the Many (Heed the Few) / Rotating Leslie / Dj Shorty / the Glad Rags / Park Bench Poet / Rough Edge Quartet / Jeff Automatic / Phil N' Dog / Radio Lxmbrg / Hush The Many / Horsebox / Jon Bilbrough / Buffalo 77 / Goldierocks / The Diarys / Clacket Lane / Adam P / ecki / Head Gardener / Anna Leddra-Chapman / Nick Luscombe / Moe Foe / Belinda Gillett. / Eddy Temple-Morris / VWF / All Funked Up / Vote Show Pony / RHYSMIX / The Winter Kings / Eddie Temple Morris / Daniel Flay / Jon Wright / Chris Smyth / Campari Safari / Moneyshot & Parker / Life at the Pines / ross martyn / Fugazirum / Djs Psycho-delia & the Ward / The Venkman Project / Damien Mercer / Monkey Swallows / Benny Lightyear / Gohomeproductions / Pale Marble Movie / Electric Boy Shock
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