78 Saab Concert History

78 Saab were an Australian indie rock band, originally forming in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory in 1995 at the Australian National University. The band was formed by Ben Nash, Gareth Tregillgas, Darren Smith and Christovac Thompson For the purpose of attaining live performance experience, the band entered the Australian National Campus Band Competition in 1996, with the band name chosen spontaneously in order to complete the entry form.

Date Concert Venue Location
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Power Pop
Jangle Pop
Australian Alternative Rock
Deep Acoustic Pop
Canberra Indie
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2012 1 concert
2008 2 concerts
2007 1 concert
2004 4 concerts
2002 2 concerts
1999 2 concerts
 James Bonanno
 Andy J Ryan
 Stacey Lamberth
 Gin Gin
 Daria Addams
 Kirstin C

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