747s were an indie rock band from Liverpool, England. They first became noticed in mid-2006 when they featured on the Arctic Monkeys' cover of Barbara Lewis' "Baby I'm Yours". Their debut album "Zampano" was released on the 25th September 2006.
Animal Collective / Flogging Molly / Dashboard Confessional / Coheed and Cambria / Dizzee Rascal / Franz Ferdinand / Gogol Bordello / Capdown / Anti-Flag / Fall Out Boy / The Bouncing Souls / Reel Big Fish / Muse / Taking Back Sunday / Against Me! / My Chemical Romance / Municipal Waste / Killswitch Engage / Alexisonfire / The Bled / Hawthorne Heights / Arctic Monkeys / Metric / Bedouin Soundclash / Klaxons / Aiden / Boysetsfire / The Raconteurs / Wolfmother / Broken Social Scene / Sick of It All / Eagles of Death Metal / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Millencolin / Rise Against / Mastodon / Zox / Bleeding Through / Plan B / Feeder / The Kooks / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / The Spinto Band / The Like / Hundred Reasons / Jet / Maxïmo Park / Belle and Sebastian / Kaiser Chiefs / The Fratellis / The Dresden Dolls / Goose / Soulwax / Spank Rock / TV On the Radio / Hot Chip / Slayer / Mystery Jets / The Subways / Peaches / Eddie Vedder / Lightyear / The Streets / Howling Bells / The Vines / Body Count / Tilly And The Wall / The Cribs / Paramore / Erol Alkan / Secret Machines / The Maccabees / Be Your Own Pet / Lady Sovereign / Primal Scream / Boy Kill Boy / Fightstar / Everything / The Futureheads / The Automatic / Forward, Russia! / The Sunshine Underground / Semifinalists / Story of the Year / Noisettes / Vitalic / Dirty Pretty Things / Nouvelle Vague / Less Than Jake / Field Music / The Twilight Singers / The Rakes / Lethal Bizzle / The Rumble Strips / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Good Shoes / The Long Blondes / Little Man Tate / Guillemots / Coldcut / Tapes 'n Tapes / Sway / Mumm-Ra / Archie Bronson Outfit / Goldie Lookin Chain / Milburn / Fields / Shitdisco / The Organ / Giant Drag / The Morning After Girls / Switches / Hope of the States / Serena-Maneesh / Bromheads Jacket / Scissors for Lefty / Cap'tain / Headman / Larrikin Love / You Say Party! / Duels / Towers Of London / The Race / The Research / Youthmovies / The Marshals / 747s / Send More Paramedics / Humanzi / Adequate Seven / Good Books / Superthriller / The On Offs / Kharma 45 / Nite Versions / Niteversions / Pearl Jam / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / The Pigeon Detectives / Placebo / Bullet for My Valentine / Panic! At the Disco
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Arctic Monkeys / Muse / Paramore / Fall Out Boy / Panic! At the Disco / Pearl Jam / The Kooks / My Chemical Romance / Franz Ferdinand / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Rise Against / Plan B / Placebo / Kaiser Chiefs / Metric / Bullet for My Valentine / Hot Chip / Belle and Sebastian / Dizzee Rascal / Eddie Vedder / Slayer / TV On the Radio / The Fratellis / Taking Back Sunday / Animal Collective / The Raconteurs / Wolfmother / Jet / Killswitch Engage / Broken Social Scene / The Streets / Dashboard Confessional / Primal Scream / Mastodon / Coheed and Cambria / Flogging Molly / The Maccabees / Klaxons / Eagles of Death Metal / Nouvelle Vague / Reel Big Fish / Maxïmo Park / The Vines / Feeder / Story of the Year / Peaches / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Less Than Jake / Gogol Bordello / Hawthorne Heights / Against Me! / Mystery Jets / Alexisonfire / The Cribs / Anti-Flag / Noisettes / Soulwax / The Subways / The Pigeon Detectives / Vitalic / The Futureheads / Millencolin / The Bouncing Souls / The Automatic / Lethal Bizzle / The Dresden Dolls / Bedouin Soundclash / Municipal Waste / Goose / Guillemots / Dirty Pretty Things / Lady Sovereign / Coldcut / Body Count / Sway / Field Music / Spank Rock / Secret Machines / Sick of It All / The Rakes / Mumm-Ra / Tapes 'n Tapes / Aiden / Fightstar / Good Shoes / Tilly And The Wall / Boy Kill Boy / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / The Like / The Rumble Strips / Archie Bronson Outfit / The Spinto Band / Bleeding Through / Erol Alkan / Milburn / Hundred Reasons / Goldie Lookin Chain / Howling Bells / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / The Sunshine Underground / Boysetsfire / The Twilight Singers / The Long Blondes / The Bled / Fields / Little Man Tate / Be Your Own Pet / Giant Drag / Shitdisco / Zox / The Morning After Girls / Switches / Hope of the States / ¡Forward, Russia! / Capdown / The Organ / Bromheads Jacket / Serena-Maneesh / Cap'tain / Scissors for Lefty / Headman / Towers Of London / Larrikin Love / Everything / You Say Party! / Duels / The Research / The Race / Lightyear / Send More Paramedics / Youthmovies / 747s / The Marshals / Semifinalists / Adequate Seven / Humanzi / Superthriller / Good Books / The On Offs / Kharma 45 / Nite Versions / Niteversions
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Franz Ferdinand / Taking Back Sunday / Killswitch Engage / Less Than Jake / Hope of the States / Lightyear / Zox / Paramore / The Pigeon Detectives / Bullet for My Valentine / Capdown / Plan B / Placebo / Boysetsfire / Flogging Molly / Hundred Reasons / Broken Social Scene / Coldcut / Animal Collective / Metric / Noisettes / The Twilight Singers / Fall Out Boy / Panic! At the Disco / Kaiser Chiefs / The Fratellis / Goldie Lookin Chain / Belle and Sebastian / Towers Of London / The Dresden Dolls / Tapes 'n Tapes / The Automatic / Pearl Jam / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / The Kooks / Slayer / The Subways / The Raconteurs / My Chemical Romance / Wolfmother / Mastodon / Nouvelle Vague / The Like / Muse / The Bled / Story of the Year / Municipal Waste / The Morning After Girls / Mumm-Ra / Shitdisco / Gogol Bordello / Mystery Jets / The On Offs / Sick of It All / Anti-Flag / Bedouin Soundclash / Lady Sovereign / Lethal Bizzle / The Cribs / The Organ / Headman / Against Me! / Erol Alkan / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Kharma 45 / Rise Against / Serena-Maneesh / Eagles of Death Metal / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Dizzee Rascal / The Marshals / Fields / Niteversions / Larrikin Love / Maxïmo Park / The Vines / Reel Big Fish / Eddie Vedder / The Streets / Fightstar / Tilly And The Wall / Klaxons / Bromheads Jacket / Body Count / Good Books / Alexisonfire / Dashboard Confessional / Cap'tain / Goose (BE) / Superthriller / The Maccabees / Sway / Feeder / Duels / Nite Versions / The Rumble Strips / Hawthorne Heights / Howling Bells / Boy Kill Boy / Coheed and Cambria / Jet / The Long Blondes / Vitalic / Primal Scream / The Rakes / Arctic Monkeys / Millencolin / Good Shoes / Archie Bronson Outfit / Be Your Own Pet / Field Music / The Sunshine Underground / Little Man Tate / Switches / Adequate Seven / TV On the Radio / Spank Rock / Humanzi / Send More Paramedics / Everything / The Research / 747s / Secret Machines / Bleeding Through / The Race / Scissors for Lefty / Peaches / Youthmovies / The Futureheads / Giant Drag / You Say Party! / Guillemots / Soulwax / Milburn / 2manydjs / Semifinalists / Hot Chip / Forward, Russia! / The Spinto Band / Bouncing Souls / Aiden / Dirty Pretty Things
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Placebo / Muse / Arctic Monkeys / Fall Out Boy / Paramore / Pearl Jam / Panic! At the Disco / The Kooks / Franz Ferdinand / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Rise Against / Metric / Hot Chip / Kaiser Chiefs / Belle and Sebastian / My Chemical Romance / TV On the Radio / Animal Collective / Wolfmother / The Raconteurs / Taking Back Sunday / The Fratellis / Eddie Vedder / Plan B / Dizzee Rascal / Broken Social Scene / Dashboard Confessional / Jet / Killswitch Engage / Slayer / Primal Scream / Klaxons / Flogging Molly / Coheed and Cambria / The Streets / The Maccabees / Mastodon / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Maxïmo Park / Gogol Bordello / Peaches / Reel Big Fish / Eagles of Death Metal / Feeder / Nouvelle Vague / Enter Shikari / Noisettes / The Vines / Story of the Year / Less Than Jake / The Cribs / Mystery Jets / Against Me! / Hawthorne Heights / The Subways / Alexisonfire / The Futureheads / The Pigeon Detectives / Anti-Flag / The View / Millencolin / The Bouncing Souls / Guillemots / Vitalic / Bedouin Soundclash / Lady Sovereign / The Dresden Dolls / The Automatic / Dirty Pretty Things / Lethal Bizzle / Coldcut / Field Music / Secret Machines / Spank Rock / Sway / The Rakes / Tapes 'n Tapes / Mumm-Ra / Boy Kill Boy / Tilly And The Wall / Aiden / Goose / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Sick of It All / The Spinto Band / Archie Bronson Outfit / Fightstar / Good Shoes / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / The Rumble Strips / Body Count / Howling Bells / Bleeding Through / Municipal Waste / The Sunshine Underground / Hundred Reasons / The Long Blondes / The Like / The Twilight Singers / Erol Alkan / Goldie Lookin Chain / Boysetsfire / Milburn / The Bled / Fields / Little Man Tate / Shitdisco / Giant Drag / The Morning After Girls / The Organ / Switches / Forward, Russia! / Bromheads Jacket / Serena-Maneesh / Scissors for Lefty / Capdown / Cap'tain / GoodBooks / Larrikin Love / You Say Party! / Towers Of London / Duels / The Hedrons / The Research / Be Your Own Pet / Song / Lightyear / The Marshals / 747s / Semifinalists / Adequate Seven / Humanzi / Good Books / Superthriller / Everything / The On Offs / The Para-medics / Kharma 45 / Rat:Att:Agg / Nite Versions / Niteversions / Zox / Sikth / Bullet for my Valentine
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Panic! At the Disco / Muse / The Pigeon Detectives / Arctic Monkeys / Tilly And The Wall / Fall Out Boy / Paramore / The Kooks / Boy Kill Boy / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Aiden / Franz Ferdinand / Rise Against / Metric / My Chemical Romance / Hot Chip / Kaiser Chiefs / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Belle and Sebastian / TV On the Radio / The Spinto Band / Animal Collective / Wolfmother / The Raconteurs / The Fratellis / Good Shoes / Taking Back Sunday / Plan B / Eddie Vedder / Archie Bronson Outfit / Dizzee Rascal / Jet / Dashboard Confessional / Broken Social Scene / Sick of It All / Killswitch Engage / Klaxons / The Streets / Primal Scream / Fightstar / Slayer / Coheed and Cambria / Flogging Molly / The Maccabees / The Rumble Strips / Mastodon / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Maxïmo Park / Howling Bells / Gogol Bordello / Peaches / Reel Big Fish / Feeder / Nouvelle Vague / Bleeding Through / Noisettes / The Vines / Story of the Year / Body Count / Eagles of Death Metal / Enter Shikari / Municipal Waste / The Long Blondes / The Cribs / Less Than Jake / The Subways / The Sunshine Underground / Mystery Jets / Against Me! / The Futureheads / The Twilight Singers / Hundred Reasons / Hawthorne Heights / Alexisonfire / The View / The Like / Boysetsfire / Anti-Flag / Guillemots / Millencolin / Bedouin Soundclash / Lady Sovereign / Vitalic / Bouncing Souls / Erol Alkan / The Automatic / Goldie Lookin Chain / The Dresden Dolls / Milburn / Dirty Pretty Things / Secret Machines / The Bled / Fields / Coldcut / Little Man Tate / Field Music / Shitdisco / The Rakes / Spank Rock / Giant Drag / The Morning After Girls / Sway / Tapes 'n Tapes / The Organ / Mumm-Ra / Lethal Bizzle / Zox / Sikth / Switches / Forward, Russia! / Placebo / Bromheads Jacket / Serena-Maneesh / Scissors for Lefty / GoodBooks / Cap'tain / Capdown / Larrikin Love / Duels / You Say Party! / Towers Of London / Goose (BE) / The Hedrons / Be Your Own Pet / The Research / Song / The Marshals / 747s / Lightyear / Semifinalists / Adequate Seven / Humanzi / Good Books / Everything / Superthriller / The On Offs / The Para-medics / Kharma 45 / Rat:Att:Agg / Nite Versions / Niteversions / 2manydjs (Live) / Pearl Jam / Bullet for my Valentine
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Arctic Monkeys / Muse / Fall Out Boy / Paramore / Panic! At the Disco / Pearl Jam / The Kooks / Franz Ferdinand / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Rise Against / My Chemical Romance / Hot Chip / Kaiser Chiefs / Placebo / Metric / Bullet for My Valentine / Belle and Sebastian / Plan B / TV On the Radio / Eddie Vedder / Animal Collective / Dizzee Rascal / The Fratellis / The Raconteurs / Taking Back Sunday / Wolfmother / Slayer / Jet / Broken Social Scene / Killswitch Engage / Dashboard Confessional / Primal Scream / The Streets / Coheed and Cambria / Mastodon / Flogging Molly / The Maccabees / Klaxons / Eagles of Death Metal / Reel Big Fish / Maxïmo Park / Nouvelle Vague / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Peaches / Feeder / Enter Shikari / Gogol Bordello / Less Than Jake / Story of the Year / Against Me! / Hawthorne Heights / Mystery Jets / The Vines / The Cribs / Noisettes / Alexisonfire / The Subways / Anti-Flag / The Pigeon Detectives / The Futureheads / Vitalic / The View / Millencolin / The Bouncing Souls / Lethal Bizzle / Bedouin Soundclash / The Dresden Dolls / Guillemots / The Automatic / Lady Sovereign / Dirty Pretty Things / Coldcut / Sway / Field Music / Spank Rock / Secret Machines / Goose / Mumm-Ra / The Rakes / Body Count / Sick of It All / Tapes 'n Tapes / Aiden / Municipal Waste / Tilly And The Wall / Boy Kill Boy / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Fightstar / The Rumble Strips / Archie Bronson Outfit / Good Shoes / The Spinto Band / Erol Alkan / The Like / Bleeding Through / Howling Bells / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Milburn / The Sunshine Underground / Hundred Reasons / Goldie Lookin Chain / The Twilight Singers / The Long Blondes / Boysetsfire / SikTh / The Bled / Fields / Little Man Tate / Zox / Shitdisco / Giant Drag / The Morning After Girls / Switches / Forward, Russia! / The Organ / Capdown / Bromheads Jacket / GoodBooks / Serena-Maneesh / Scissors for Lefty / Cap'tain / Larrikin Love / Towers Of London / You Say Party! / Everything / Duels / The Hedrons / The Research / Be Your Own Pet / Song / Lightyear / 747s / The Marshals / Semifinalists / Adequate Seven / Humanzi / Superthriller / Good Books / The On Offs / The Para-medics / Kharma 45 / Rat:Att:Agg / Nite Versions / Niteversions / Send More Paramedics
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Zox / The Pigeon Detectives / Bullet for My Valentine / ¡Forward, Russia! / Hot Chip / Towers Of London / Mystery Jets / Erol Alkan / Field Music / Lightyear / Bedouin Soundclash / The Twilight Singers / Lady Sovereign / Humanzi / The Vines / Spank Rock / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Dashboard Confessional / Metric / Giant Drag / Jet / Guillemots / The Race / Adequate Seven / Plan B / The Spinto Band / Kharma 45 / Paramore / Larrikin Love / Cap'tain / The Like / Everything / Sick of It All / Niteversions / Gogol Bordello / The Marshals / Rise Against / Bleeding Through / The Organ / Coldcut / The Futureheads / Bromheads Jacket / Switches / Noisettes / Dirty Pretty Things / Goose / The Research / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Superthriller / Fightstar / Hundred Reasons / Good Shoes / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Vitalic / Reel Big Fish / Duels / Little Man Tate / Serena-Maneesh / The Rumble Strips / Send More Paramedics / Semifinalists / Scissors for Lefty / The Maccabees / The Bouncing Souls / TV On the Radio / The Morning After Girls / Hawthorne Heights / Secret Machines / Aiden / The Bled / Eddie Vedder / Soulwax / Nite Versions / Headman / Flogging Molly / Shitdisco / 2Many DJs / Placebo / Muse / Panic! At the Disco / Broken Social Scene / Lethal Bizzle / Howling Bells / Good Books / Sway / Dizzee Rascal / Fields / Archie Bronson Outfit / Peaches / Capdown / Municipal Waste / Against Me! / Klaxons / 747s / Youthmovies / Story of the Year / Milburn / Eagles of Death Metal / Animal Collective / The Streets / Alexisonfire / Tapes 'n Tapes / The On Offs / Tilly And The Wall / Mumm-Ra / The Sunshine Underground / Anti-Flag / Arctic Monkeys / Fall Out Boy / The Kooks / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Franz Ferdinand / Kaiser Chiefs / My Chemical Romance / Belle and Sebastian / Wolfmother / The Raconteurs / The Fratellis / Taking Back Sunday / Killswitch Engage / Slayer / Primal Scream / Coheed and Cambria / Mastodon / Nouvelle Vague / The Cribs / Less Than Jake / The Subways / Millencolin / The Dresden Dolls / The Automatic / The Rakes / Boy Kill Boy / Body Count / The Long Blondes / Boysetsfire / Goldie Lookin Chain / Hope of the States / You Say Party! / Be Your Own Pet / Pearl Jam
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Red Hot Chili Peppers / Arctic Monkeys / Pharrell Williams / The Strokes / The Kooks / Death Cab for Cutie / Phoenix / The Who / Franz Ferdinand / Lily Allen / Sigur Rós / Kasabian / Regina Spektor / José González / Kaiser Chiefs / Paolo Nutini / Placebo / Animal Collective / The Fratellis / Corinne Bailey Rae / Wolfmother / Editors / Eels / Cut Copy / Goldfrapp / Manu Chao / Zero 7 / Primal Scream / The Proclaimers / Coheed and Cambria / The Maccabees / Mr. Scruff / Paul Weller / Nightmares On Wax / Damian 'Jr Gong' Marley / Maxïmo Park / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / We Are Scientists / Feeder / Hard-Fi / Gomez / The Charlatans / Xavier Rudd / The Cribs / The Weepies / Donavon Frankenreiter / The Subways / Richard Ashcroft / The Feeling / The Go! Team / The Futureheads / The Zutons / The View / Vitalic / Modeselektor / Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals / The Magic Numbers / The Orb / Felix da Housecat / The Divine Comedy / Bedouin Soundclash / Kula Shaker / Guillemots / Dirty Pretty Things / The Automatic / Coldcut / Laurent Garnier / Orson / Bell X1 / Levellers / Mumm-Ra / The Rifles / Boy Kill Boy / Sandi Thom / Fightstar / The Ordinary Boys / The Spinto Band / James Holden / Slam / The Cinematics / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Jeff Mills / Delays / Milburn / The Twilight Singers / Seth Lakeman / Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins / Damian Lazarus / Pretty Girls Make Graves / Derrick May / Morning Runner / Shitdisco / Giant Drag / Brakes / The Morning After Girls / Kubb / 1990s / Breaks Co-Op / Forward, Russia! / Mobile / Hope of the States / White Rose Movement / The Dykeenies / Cap'tain / Koda / Optimo / The Crimea / El Presidente / Lorraine / My Latest Novel / My Robot Friend / Director / Union of Knives / Found / Cosmic Rough Riders / The Upper Room / Duels / The Hedrons / Tiny Dancers / Rushmore / Attic Lights / 747s / Rob da Bank / :( / Manic / Fear of Music / Humanzi / Acute / How To Swim / Futuro / Obe / Harri & Domenic / The Marshalls / Figure 5 / Jack Butler / Injuns / F.O. Machete / The Picts / Iron Broo / Billy Bates / Some Young Pedro / 3 Style / Karma 45 / Project Venhell / Bleeker St.
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Pharrell Williams / The Strokes / The Who / Depeche Mode / James Blunt / Massive Attack / The Flaming Lips / Paolo Nutini / Metric / Gnarls Barkley / Ray Lamontagne / Belle and Sebastian / James Morrison / The Raconteurs / The Fratellis / David Gray / The Animals / OK Go / Eels / Goldfrapp / KT Tunstall / Violent Femmes / DJ Shadow / The B-52's / Zero 7 / Damian 'Jr Gong' Marley / Gogol Bordello / Mystery Jets / Missy Higgins / The Weepies / The Freestylers / The Pigeon Detectives / Midlake / The Zutons / Beth Orton / The Sounds / Just Jack / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Super Furry Animals / Gang Of Four / Ben Lee / Thomas Dolby / Guillemots / Dirty Pretty Things / John Cale / Sway / Joan As Police Woman / Bob Mould / Danko Jones / The 88 / King Creosote / The Dears / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / The Answer / Akala / The Like / The Boy Least Likely To / nizlopi / Mojave 3 / Robyn Hitchcock / Micah P. Hinson / Viva Voce / The Bright Sparks / Catherine Feeny / David Kitt / Cazals / White Rose Movement / Terry Callier / Cap'tain / Clor / Louie / Lorraine / Killa Kela / Amanda Ghost / Grandadbob / Matt Cooper / The Upper Room / Harrisons / Kill The Young / CHIC ft. Nile Rodgers / Roddy Hart / Td Lind / Polytechnic / 747s / Rob Tissera / Dead Kids / Humanzi / Les Incompetents / Milk Kan / Good Books / Suzerain / Drew Scott / Trophy Twins / Casbah Club / Robyn Hitchcock & the Minus 3 / Nizpoli / Miss Higgins / Claire Toomey / Minus 3 / Nite Versions / Mark Leaf / Niteversions
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The Flaming Lips / David Gray / Ben Lee / Gogol Bordello / The Who / Metric / The Sounds / Bob Mould / The Raconteurs / Gnarls Barkley / Viva Voce / The Strokes / The Answer / Eels / OK Go / The Like / DJ Shadow / The B-52's / Belle and Sebastian / Depeche Mode / The Fratellis / Violent Femmes / Midlake / Danko Jones / James Blunt / Massive Attack / Mystery Jets / Damian 'Jr Gong' Marley / Beth Orton / Pharrell Williams / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Robyn Hitchcock / Missy Higgins / Paolo Nutini / Gang Of Four / Super Furry Animals / John Cale / James Morrison / The Zutons / KT Tunstall / The 88 / Joan As Police Woman / Zero 7 / The Dears / Just Jack / Dirty Pretty Things / Goldfrapp / King Creosote / Miss Higgins / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Guillemots / Sway / Cap'tain / 747s / Humanzi / Good Books / Nite Versions / Niteversions / The Weepies / Thomas Dolby / The Freestylers / nizlopi / Dead Kids / The Animals / Terry Callier / Micah P. Hinson / Mojave 3 / David Kitt / Akala / Clor / CHIC ft. Nile Rodgers / The Upper Room / Polytechnic / White Rose Movement / Catherine Feeny / Suzerain / Louie / The Boy Least Likely To / Cazals / Killa Kela / Grandadbob / Amanda Ghost / Harrisons / Lorraine / Kill The Young / Td Lind / Rob Tissera / Roddy Hart / Les Incompetents / Milk Kan / Trophy Twins / Matt Cooper / Casbah Club / Drew Scott / The Bright Sparks / Nizpoli / Robyn Hitchcock & the Minus 3 / Claire Toomey / Minus 3 / Mark Leaf / The Pigeon Detectives / Ray Lamontagne
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Pharrell Williams / The Strokes / The Who / Depeche Mode / James Blunt / Massive Attack / The Flaming Lips / Paolo Nutini / Metric / Gnarls Barkley / Ray Lamontagne / Belle and Sebastian / James Morrison / The Raconteurs / The Fratellis / David Gray / The Animals / OK Go / Eels / Goldfrapp / KT Tunstall / Violent Femmes / DJ Shadow / The B-52's / Zero 7 / Damian 'Jr Gong' Marley / Gogol Bordello / Mystery Jets / Missy Higgins / The Weepies / The Freestylers / The Pigeon Detectives / Midlake / The Zutons / Beth Orton / The Sounds / Just Jack / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Super Furry Animals / Gang Of Four / Ben Lee / Thomas Dolby / Guillemots / Dirty Pretty Things / John Cale / Sway / Joan As Police Woman / Bob Mould / Danko Jones / The 88 / King Creosote / The Dears / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / The Answer / Akala / The Like / The Boy Least Likely To / nizlopi / Mojave 3 / Robyn Hitchcock / Micah P. Hinson / Viva Voce / The Bright Sparks / Catherine Feeny / David Kitt / Cazals / White Rose Movement / Terry Callier / Cap'tain / Clor / Louie / Lorraine / Killa Kela / Amanda Ghost / Grandadbob / Matt Cooper / The Upper Room / Harrisons / Kill The Young / CHIC ft. Nile Rodgers / Roddy Hart / Td Lind / Polytechnic / 747s / Rob Tissera / Dead Kids / Humanzi / Les Incompetents / Milk Kan / Good Books / Suzerain / Drew Scott / Trophy Twins / Casbah Club / Robyn Hitchcock & the Minus 3 / Nizpoli / Miss Higgins / Claire Toomey / Minus 3 / Nite Versions / Mark Leaf / Niteversions
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The Killers / Kings Of Leon / Arctic Monkeys / Foo Fighters / Arcade Fire / Pixies / M.I.A. / Incubus / Queens of the Stone Age / The All-American Rejects / Marilyn Manson / Iron Maiden / Rise Against / Kasabian / Bloc Party / My Chemical Romance / Hot Chip / Bullet for My Valentine / Iggy Pop / LCD Soundsystem / Biffy Clyro / Dropkick Murphys / Editors / Elbow / The Kills / Four Tet / Echo & the Bunnymen / Fort Minor / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / Bad Religion / Razorlight / NOFX / Dinosaur Jr. / Maxïmo Park / The Coral / We Are Scientists / Alkaline Trio / The Stooges / The Charlatans / Death from Above 1979 / Ladytron / Babyshambles / Mystery Jets / The Cribs / The Raveonettes / Roots Manuva / Hot Hot Heat / The Subways / Kano / Anti-Flag / blackalicious / Mando Diao / Hatebreed / The Go! Team / The Futureheads / Mylo / Sleater-Kinney / Lemon Jelly / Funeral for a Friend / Iggy & the Stooges / Sea Power / The Dresden Dolls / Graham Coxon / Youth Group / Transplants / Audio Bullys / Turbonegro / Saul Williams / Art Brut / The Wedding Present / The Rakes / The Rifles / Adam Green / Two Gallants / From Autumn to Ashes / Boy Kill Boy / The Duke Spirit / Dreadzone / Fightstar / Akala / Buck 65 / Nine Black Alps / VHS or Beta / The Blood Brothers / Dwarves / The Dead 60s / Sons and Daughters / Goldie Lookin Chain / Emanuel / Juliette And The Licks / Puggy / Eighteen Visions / Infadels / Bedouin / Engineers / Dogs / Amusement Parks On Fire / ¡Forward, Russia! / The Explosion / Filthy Dukes / Capdown / Tears / The Blood Arm / Million Dead / Hal / The Paddingtons / The Longcut / The Crimea / Clor / Beautiful People / T.Raumschmiere / Charlotte Hatherley / Every Move a Picture / Yeti / Battle / Towers Of London / Modern / The Cherubs / Be Your Own Pet / Do Me Bad Things / 747s / Performance / Komakino / The Black Velvets / The Cooper Temple Clause / Soundclash / No Comply / DJ Format & Abdominal / Yourcodenameis: Milo / Fell City Girl / Senses Fall / The Young Offenders Institute / Peoples Front of Judea / The Roger Sisters / Pfg Gigography
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Kings Of Leon / blackalicious / Queens of the Stone Age / The Killers / Foo Fighters / Arctic Monkeys / Arcade Fire / M.I.A / Incubus / Pixies / The All-American Rejects / Rise Against / Bloc Party / My Chemical Romance / Marilyn Manson / Hot Chip / Iron Maiden / Editors / Elbow / Dropkick Murphys / Biffy Clyro / The Kills / Fort Minor / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / Bad Religion / Four Tet / NOFX / Dinosaur Jr. / We Are Scientists / Maxïmo Park / Alkaline Trio / Ladytron / The Raveonettes / The Coral / Hot Hot Heat / Babyshambles / The Cribs / The Subways / The Charlatans / Mystery Jets / The Futureheads / Death from Above 1979 / The Go! Team / Mylo / LCD Soundsystem / Mando Diao / Roots Manuva / Anti-Flag / Lemon Jelly / Hatebreed / British Sea Power / The Dresden Dolls / Sleater-Kinney / Kano / Audio Bullys / Youth Group / Art Brut / The Rakes / Transplants / Graham Coxon / Boy Kill Boy / Turbonegro / Adam Green / The Rifles / Saul Williams / Two Gallants / The Duke Spirit / The Wedding Present / VHS or Beta / Buck 65 / Dreadzone / Nine Black Alps / Fightstar / The Dead 60s / Sons and Daughters / Infadels / Dwarves / Juliette And The Licks / Goldie Lookin Chain / Eighteen Visions / Emanuel / Engineers / Akala / Puggy / Forward, Russia! / Filthy Dukes / Dogs / Amusement Parks On Fire / The Blood Arm / Tears / Hal / The Longcut / Capdown / The Paddingtons / The Crimea / Clor / Million Dead / Charlotte Hatherley / Beautiful People / T.Raumschmiere / Every Move a Picture / Yeti / Battle / Towers Of London / Modern / Do Me Bad Things / 747s / Performance / The Cooper Temple Clause / The Black Velvets / Komakino / Soundclash / Bedouin / The Cherubs / No Comply / Fell City Girl / Senses Fall / The Young Offenders Institute / The Roger Sisters / Iggy & the Stooges / The Explosion / From Autumn to Ashes / Echo & the bunnymen / Kasabian / Funeral for a Friend
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The Killers / Kings Of Leon / Arctic Monkeys / Foo Fighters / Arcade Fire / Pixies / M.I.A. / Incubus / Queens of the Stone Age / The All-American Rejects / Marilyn Manson / Iron Maiden / Rise Against / Kasabian / Bloc Party / My Chemical Romance / Hot Chip / Bullet for My Valentine / Iggy Pop / LCD Soundsystem / Biffy Clyro / Dropkick Murphys / Editors / Elbow / The Kills / Four Tet / Echo & the Bunnymen / Fort Minor / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / Bad Religion / Razorlight / NOFX / Dinosaur Jr. / Maxïmo Park / The Coral / We Are Scientists / Alkaline Trio / The Stooges / The Charlatans / Death from Above 1979 / Ladytron / Babyshambles / Mystery Jets / The Cribs / The Raveonettes / Roots Manuva / Hot Hot Heat / The Subways / Kano / Anti-Flag / blackalicious / Mando Diao / Hatebreed / The Go! Team / The Futureheads / Mylo / Sleater-Kinney / Lemon Jelly / Funeral for a Friend / Iggy & the Stooges / Sea Power / The Dresden Dolls / Graham Coxon / Youth Group / Transplants / Audio Bullys / Turbonegro / Saul Williams / Art Brut / The Wedding Present / The Rakes / The Rifles / Adam Green / Two Gallants / From Autumn to Ashes / Boy Kill Boy / The Duke Spirit / Dreadzone / Fightstar / Akala / Buck 65 / Nine Black Alps / VHS or Beta / The Blood Brothers / Dwarves / The Dead 60s / Sons and Daughters / Goldie Lookin Chain / Emanuel / Juliette And The Licks / Puggy / Eighteen Visions / Infadels / Bedouin / Engineers / Dogs / Amusement Parks On Fire / Forward, Russia! / The Explosion / Filthy Dukes / Capdown / Tears / The Blood Arm / Million Dead / Hal / The Paddingtons / The Longcut / The Crimea / Clor / Beautiful People / T.Raumschmiere / Charlotte Hatherley / Every Move a Picture / Yeti / Battle / Towers Of London / Modern / The Cherubs / Be Your Own Pet / Do Me Bad Things / 747s / Performance / Komakino / The Black Velvets / The Cooper Temple Clause / Soundclash / No Comply / DJ Format & Abdominal / Yourcodenameis: Milo / Fell City Girl / Senses Fall / The Young Offenders Institute / Peoples Front of Judea / The Roger Sisters / Pfg Gigography
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The Killers / Kings Of Leon / Arctic Monkeys / Foo Fighters / Arcade Fire / Pixies / M.I.A. / Incubus / Queens of the Stone Age / The All-American Rejects / Marilyn Manson / Iron Maiden / Rise Against / Kasabian / Bloc Party / My Chemical Romance / Hot Chip / Bullet for My Valentine / Iggy Pop / LCD Soundsystem / Biffy Clyro / Dropkick Murphys / Editors / Elbow / The Kills / Echo & the Bunnymen / Four Tet / Fort Minor / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / Bad Religion / Razorlight / NOFX / Dinosaur Jr. / Maxïmo Park / The Coral / We Are Scientists / Alkaline Trio / The Stooges / The Charlatans / Death from Above 1979 / Ladytron / Babyshambles / Mystery Jets / The Cribs / The Raveonettes / Roots Manuva / Hot Hot Heat / Kano / The Subways / Anti-Flag / Hatebreed / blackalicious / Mando Diao / The Go! Team / The Futureheads / Mylo / Sleater-Kinney / Lemon Jelly / Funeral for a Friend / Iggy & the Stooges / Sea Power / The Dresden Dolls / Graham Coxon / Youth Group / Transplants / Audio Bullys / Turbonegro / Saul Williams / Art Brut / The Wedding Present / The Rakes / The Rifles / Adam Green / Two Gallants / From Autumn to Ashes / Boy Kill Boy / The Duke Spirit / Dreadzone / Fightstar / Akala / Buck 65 / Nine Black Alps / VHS or Beta / The Blood Brothers / Dwarves / The Dead 60s / Sons and Daughters / Goldie Lookin Chain / Emanuel / Juliette And The Licks / Puggy / Eighteen Visions / Infadels / Bedouin / Engineers / Dogs / Amusement Parks On Fire / Forward, Russia! / The Explosion / Filthy Dukes / Capdown / Tears / The Blood Arm / Million Dead / Hal / The Paddingtons / The Longcut / The Crimea / Clor / Beautiful People / T.Raumschmiere / Charlotte Hatherley / Every Move a Picture / Yeti / Battle / Towers Of London / Modern / The Cherubs / Be Your Own Pet / Do Me Bad Things / 747s / Performance / Komakino / The Black Velvets / The Cooper Temple Clause / Soundclash / No Comply / DJ Format & Abdominal / Yourcodenameis: Milo / Fell City Girl / Senses Fall / The Young Offenders Institute / Peoples Front of Judea / The Roger Sisters / Pfg Gigography
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Ladytron / Dropkick Murphys / Marilyn Manson / Bloc Party / NOFX / Capdown / Bad Religion / Anti-Flag / Incubus / Alkaline Trio / Dinosaur Jr. / My Chemical Romance / The Killers / The All-American Rejects / Turbonegro / Arctic Monkeys / Transplants / Hot Hot Heat / Kings Of Leon / Pixies / Arcade Fire / LCD Soundsystem / Two Gallants / Rise Against / We Are Scientists / The Raveonettes / The Kills / Editors / Elbow / Hatebreed / Eighteen Visions / Emanuel / Saul Williams / The Blood Brothers / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / Million Dead / Dreadzone / Maxïmo Park / The Dresden Dolls / Youth Group / Razorlight / Hot Chip / Mystery Jets / Biffy Clyro / The Subways / The Go! Team / The Duke Spirit / Sleater-Kinney / Audio Bullys / British Sea Power / Death from Above 1979 / Iron Maiden / The Cribs / Babyshambles / blackalicious / Four Tet / The Roger Sisters / Art Brut / The Wedding Present / Be Your Own Pet / Do Me Bad Things / Boy Kill Boy / Fightstar / M.I.A. / Nine Black Alps / Sons and Daughters / The Futureheads / The Coral / Fort Minor / Forward, Russia! / The Charlatans / The Cooper Temple Clause / T.Raumschmiere / The Blood Arm / Dwarves / Puggy / The Crimea / Roots Manuva / Adam Green / The Rakes / Filthy Dukes / Juliette And The Licks / Mando Diao / The Dead 60s / Dogs / Charlotte Hatherley / Goldie Lookin Chain / Towers Of London / 747s / Engineers / Infadels / The Paddingtons / Iggy Pop / The Stooges / Buck 65 / VHS or Beta / Lemon Jelly / Mylo / Kano / Tears / Graham Coxon / Bedouin / The Rifles / No Comply / Yeti / Akala / Amusement Parks On Fire / Hal / The Longcut / Clor / Beautiful People / Every Move a Picture / Battle / Modern / Performance / The Black Velvets / Komakino / Soundclash / The Cherubs / Fell City Girl / Senses Fall / The Young Offenders Institute / Queens of the Stone Age / The Explosion / Yourcodenameis: Milo / Peoples Front of Judea / Pfg Gigography / Iggy & the Stooges / From Autumn to Ashes / Echo & the Bunnymen / Kasabian / Funeral for a Friend / Bullet for My Valentine / DJ Format & Abdominal / Foo Fighters
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Iggy & the Stooges / The Killers / Foo Fighters / Arctic Monkeys / Arcade Fire / M.I.A / Pixies / Incubus / The All-American Rejects / Queens of the Stone Age / Bloc Party / Rise Against / Marilyn Manson / Iron Maiden / Hot Chip / My Chemical Romance / Iggy Pop / Editors / Biffy Clyro / Elbow / Dropkick Murphys / The Kills / Fort Minor / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / Bad Religion / Razorlight / Four Tet / NOFX / Dinosaur Jr. / We Are Scientists / LCD Soundsystem / Maxïmo Park / Alkaline Trio / The Coral / Ladytron / The Raveonettes / Hot Hot Heat / Babyshambles / The Cribs / The Charlatans / Mystery Jets / The Subways / Death from Above 1979 / The Stooges / The Futureheads / The Go! Team / Mylo / Roots Manuva / Mando Diao / Anti-Flag / Hatebreed / Lemon Jelly / British Sea Power / Kano / Sleater-Kinney / The Dresden Dolls / Audio Bullys / Youth Group / Art Brut / The Rakes / Transplants / Graham Coxon / Boy Kill Boy / Turbonegro / The Rifles / Adam Green / Saul Williams / Two Gallants / The Wedding Present / The Duke Spirit / VHS or Beta / Buck 65 / Dreadzone / Fightstar / Nine Black Alps / The Blood Brothers / The Dead 60s / Sons and Daughters / Dwarves / Infadels / Juliette And The Licks / Goldie Lookin Chain / Eighteen Visions / Akala / Emanuel / Engineers / Puggy / Forward, Russia! / Dogs / Filthy Dukes / Amusement Parks On Fire / The Blood Arm / The Explosion / Tears / Hal / Capdown / The Longcut / The Crimea / The Paddingtons / Clor / Million Dead / Charlotte Hatherley / Beautiful People / T.Raumschmiere / Every Move a Picture / Yeti / Battle / Towers Of London / Be Your Own Pet / Modern / Do Me Bad Things / 747s / Bedouin / Performance / The Cooper Temple Clause / The Black Velvets / Komakino / Soundclash / The Cherubs / No Comply / Yourcodenameis: Milo / Fell City Girl / Senses Fall / The Young Offenders Institute / The Roger Sisters / DJ Format Ft Mc Abdominal / Peoples Front of Judea / Pfg Gigography / From Autumn to Ashes / Kings Of Leon / blackalicious / Kasabian / Echo & the bunnymen / Bullet for my Valentine / Funeral for a Friend
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