零壹 Concert History

Voodoo Kungfu was born out ot the ashes of the former band called Mastrubation. The main soul of the band Vocalist Li Nan studied at the Irish Catholic School, but his uproarish spirit of rock'n'roll and his "God is made in Flesh and Blood" led him to turn into the christian extreme sect called Jesus Christ Holy Priest Community and got kick out of the school.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 30, 2008
Carsick Cars / 果味vc / Joyside / 新裤子 (New Pants) / Ourself Beside Me / Snapline / Face (US) / 后海大鲨鱼 / 周云蓬 / 24 HOUR party people / The Retros / 与非门 / 旅行团 / 王啸坤 / 声音碎片 / 何勇 / Cold Fairyland / 便利商店 / Hedgehog / 重塑雕像的权利 / 刺猬 / 超级市场 / Milkcoffee / Scof...
Carsick Cars / 果味vc / Joyside / 新裤子 (New Pants) / Ourself Beside Me / Snapline / Face (US) / 后海大鲨鱼 / 周云蓬 / 24 HOUR party people / The Retros / 与非门 / 旅行团 / 王啸坤 / 声音碎片 / 何勇 / Cold Fairyland / 便利商店 / Hedgehog / 重塑雕像的权利 / 刺猬 / 超级市场 / Milkcoffee / Scoff / 地下婴儿 / 零壹 / 面孔 / Suffocated / SuperVC / Av大久保 / Sound Fragment / 顶楼马戏团 / Life Journey / Dragon Tongue Squad / Zhou Yunpeng / 冷酷仙镜 Show all bands
Haidian Park Beijing, China
Folk Metal
Pagan Metal
Oriental Metal
Chinese Metal
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