A Badger Faced Man has 7 The B of the Bang concerts.

The B of the Bang is a collective of human beings.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 20, 2014
Southsea Fest 2014
Nothing But Thieves / Slaves / Fickle Friends / Doe / The Magic Gang / Ed Harcourt / Laurel / Honeyblood / DZ Deathrays / Phoria / Meadowlark / Gossling / Spring King / Eliza and The Bear / Prides / Pulled Apart By Horses / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Happyness / Flyte / Fear of Men / Ultimate Painting / Racing Glaciers / Falls / Martha / Mazes / Menace Beach / Kagoule / Tigercub / Brontide / The Proper Ornaments / Raglans / Life (US) / The Cairos / Tangled Hair / Hunter & the Bear / Holy / Waylayers / Ramona Flowers / Talons / Employed To Serve / We the Wild / Trampolene / Michael A Grammar / Thought Forms / Alpha Male Tea Party / Gang / Pawws / Pixel Fix / Kassassin Street / Passport to Stockholm / Life / Cleft / Prestige / Wyldest / Saint Agnes / Theo Verney / Castles / The Brawlers / Fred Page / FURS / Goodtime Boys / Happy Accidents / Boy Jumps Ship / Blessa / Woahnows / Big Sixes / Sacha / SLM / Wildest Dreams / The Lion and the Wolf / Curxes / Personal Best / The Cadbury Sisters / The Looks / Body Hound / Natasha North / Harker / Emperor Yes / Rough Hands / Matt Emery / The Boy I Used to Be / The Layers / Bad Grammar / Eighteen Nightmares at the Lux / Beautiful Boy / Lyger / The B of the Bang / Teef / House of Thieves / Andy Oliveri / Big Fin / Southsea Alternative Choir / REX DOMINO / Pure Graft / Unknown Soldiers / The Fairweather Band / Osca (UK) / Rickyfitts / Lu'Ami / Eloise Keating / Battery Hens / Iced Out / Deluxe Flamingos / Pedro Don Key / Lucky One Dies First / Dear Everyone / Floella Grace / Sam Brothers / Uncle Luc / Popobawa / Lillian Todd Jones / Jesse Wyldes and the Stallions / Tom Moody / Joythief / Break Ups / Jimmy Islip & The Ghosts / Thisplanet / Flash Fires / Plastic Beats Band / Richie & The Remedy / ELEPHANTANTRUM / 100 Ounces / Love Park / Matt Jarvis Show all bands
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Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Sep 14, 2013
Southsea Fest 2013
Temples / Foy Vance / Marika Hackman / Anamanaguchi / Drenge / LANTA / As It Is / Jaws / Cosmo Sheldrake / Veronica Falls / Eagulls / Superfood / Future of the Left / Girl Band / SPLASHH / Beans on Toast / Delta Sleep / Thumpers / Cheatahs / The Family Rain / TRAAMS / Sisters / Crows / misty miller / The Physics House Band / Spectrals / Kal Lavelle / Nai Harvest / The Computers / Wild Smiles / Best Friends / Giants / Loom / Olivia Sebastianelli / Ben Marwood / God Damn / Crushed Beaks / The Black Tambourines / Slowcoaches / As Elephants Are / Crazy Arm / Mugstar / Dead Rabbits / Joe Black / J.C. Satàn / Shy Nature / Stagecoach / Oliver Wilde / AK/DK / Sons And Lovers / The Bangers / Thee MVPs / Wet Nuns / Tripwires / Arrows of Love / Scholars / Axes / Shinies / MMX / Playlounge / Curxes / Fighting Fiction / Oxygen Thief / Retrospective Soundtrack Players / Night Engine / The Yards / Gunning for Tamar / Radstewart / Blood Sport / Bad Guys / Death at Sea / Yoofs / Tyrannosaurus Dead / The Cut Ups / Fawn Spots / The Boy I Used to Be / Nathan Detroit / Bad Grammar / The B of the Bang / Doctrines / Jamie Parisio / All We Have / The Hundredth Anniversary / Noyo Mathis / Ricky Fitts / The Day of the Rabblement / You're Smiling Now But We'll All Turn Into Demons / Kill Kasper / Bellyeyesmile / Perch / Jungfrau / Battery Hens / Maths and the Moon / Cycle Schmeichel / Lucky One Dies First / Summerslam 88 / Bermuda Ern / Someone Died / Tidal Wars / Watashi Calcutecs / Protein Window / Stillburst / Elliot Kozlik / Jesse Wydles & The Stallions Show all bands
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Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Apr 21, 2013
The B of the Bang / Revere / The Hall Of Mirrors / Billy Vincent / The Boy I Used to Be / Rich Keam Wedgewood Rooms Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Sep 15, 2012
Southsea Fest 2012
Peace / Clock Opera / Fear of Men / Tall Ships / Bo Ningen / Tellison / We Cut Corners / Two Wounded Birds / This Many Boyfriends / Crazy Arm / Hey Sholay / Hymns / Dead Rabbits / John J Presley / Scholars / Bastions / Seán McGowan / Vales / Ajimal / Bear Cavalry / Dingus Khan / Itchy Teeth / Is Bliss / Yoofs / Her Parents / The B of the Bang / Hares / You're Smiling Now But We'll All Turn Into Demons / Shotaway / Good Time Charlies / Battery Hens / Kinky Boot Beasts / Oresteia / Stone Them Crows / Johnny5thwheel&thecowards / Watashi Calcutecs Show all bands
Southsea Fest Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Sep 17, 2011
Southsea Fest 2011
Kyla La Grange / Dry the River / Matthew and the Atlas / Fionn Regan / Pete and The Pirates / Kill it Kid / Clock Opera / Beans on Toast / Fear of Men / Johnny Foreigner / The Xcerts / Trophy Wife / Paper Aeroplanes / Treetop Flyers / Polarsets / Contra / Kal Lavelle / Adam Barnes / The Miserable Rich / Foe / Tangled Hair / Muncie Girls / Worship / The Caves / Sound of Rum / Race Horses / Fiona Bevan / Hymns / Jake Morley / Kassassin Street / Dead Rabbits / Stagecoach / My First Tooth / The Bangers / Final Flash / Antonio Lulic / Gideon Conn / Arteries / GLASS (OFFICIAL) / PLANES / Charlotte Carpenter / Bear Cavalry / Cold In Berlin / Bleeding Heart Narrative / Curxes / Jack Palmer / A Genuine Freakshow / Jumping Ships / Laura Day / Pris / Toxic Shock / Dawn Chorus / Down And Outs / The Boy I Used to Be / Milloy / Attack! Vipers! / The B of the Bang / The Mariners / calvinball. / Stinger / Hero and Leander / Belligerence / Apollo's Arrows / Polio / Ok Pilot / Rash Decision / Al Joshua / White Powder Gold / Ed Wood / Unknown Soldiers / The Woe Betides / Kelly Kemp / Talkers / Hometown Show / Stephen Long / Glass Avalanche / Eden in Vain / Guilt Coins / Luke Ferre Band / Dragon Eye Morrison / Southlands / Watashi Calcutecs / Aeroplane Attack / Under the Laurels / Beau Brummel / Anthony Love / Lindsey West / Caz Batten Show all bands
Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Dec 10, 2010
The Strange Death of Liberal England / The B of the Bang / Scandal (UK) / Clayton Strange Wedgewood Rooms Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Sep 18, 2010
Southsea Fest 2010
Kyla La Grange / King Charles / The Milk / The Xcerts / Tall Ships / Brothers / Pure Reason Revolution / Goldheart Assembly / The Miserable Rich / Apologies, I Have None / Talons / Medison / Moulettes / The cynics / Islet / Let's Buy Happiness / North Atlantic Oscillation / Crazy Arm / mischa. / SixNationState / The Megaphonic Thrift / 6 Day Riot / Smokey Bastard / Notes / Elephants / Run Toto Run / Revere / Waking Aida / Little Fish / The Strange Death of Liberal England / Helsinki / Bleech / Arrows of Love / Hold Your Horse Is / Stars and Sons / Screaming Maldini / Above Them / Shoes and Socks Off / Cats In Paris / Enochian Theory / Carmen Rosa / Montage Populaire / Bad For Lazarus / Fights and Fires / Hoodlums / The Coolness / The Attika State / Between The Lines / Katie Malco / The Supernovas / Dawn Chorus / Vaudeville / The Cut Ups / The Boy I Used to Be / Hold Fast / Attack! Vipers! / The Ruskins / Auction for the Promise Club / The B of the Bang / The Perils / Winter Hours / calvinball. / Will McNicol / Belligerence / Rob the Rich / You Me and The Atom Bomb / Black & Reds / Kill Kasper / Little Million / Jamie Ley / The 255s / Tricorn / Stage Coach / Leigh Mary Stokes / Luke Ferre Band / Clayton Strange / Ottersgear / NineNinetyNines / Dirty Sky Jones / New Set of Bruises / Defined Music / Zoo in the Sky / The Bad Paws / Leather Face / Watashi Calcutecs / Johnny 5th Wheel & the Cowards / The White Coats / Simon Heartfield / Andrea Kenny & the Cavalry / Aeroplane Attack / Huw Olesker / Fenside / Lucifer's Gold / Beau Brummel / The Dirty Legion / Ski Bunny / Gliiitches / Final Round...fight / Waking Charred / Patio Set / Hardly Heroes / Rusty Sheriff / Kodiac Jack / Dirty 45's / dogeeseseegod Show all bands
Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom

Some Videos From These Concerts

There are no videos from these concerts.

Some Photos From These Concerts

Southsea Fest 2014 on Sep 20, 2014 [463-small]

Southsea Fest 2014
Sep 20, 2014
 Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by A Badger Faced Man

Southsea Fest 2013 on Sep 14, 2013 [464-small]

Southsea Fest 2013
Sep 14, 2013
 Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by A Badger Faced Man

12 users have seen The B of the Bang including:
 A Badger Faced Man
 Georgia Hitchman
 Nicholas Millson
 Lee Edwards
 Lee Edwards 58
 Sophie Standen
 David Whitehead
 Andy Lyth

As Seen On: