2rock's Concert Archive

Joined December 2019    

2rock has 7 The Tidal Sleep concerts.

German post-hardcore band from Mannheim/Karlsruhe/München/Berlin/Aachen/Leipzig founded in 2011.

View The Tidal Sleep's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 22, 2023
The Tidal Sleep / Viva Belgrado

"About Leaving and Coming Home" – Farewell Tour

Plaque Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Apr 20, 2023
The Tidal Sleep / Viva Belgrado / Gift

"About Leaving and Coming Home" – Farewell Tour

Cassiopeia Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Jul 20, 2017 –
Jul 23, 2017
Fluff Fest 2017
Sect / Birds In Row / Shirokuma / Shizune / Despite Everything / The Tidal Sleep / Young Mountain / Rutka Laskier / Past / Chokehold / ██████ / Svffer / Chaviré / Finisterre / Gentle Art of Chokin / Pijn / Ruined Families / Crevasse / DOOM / Tapestry / Heaven in Her Arms / Nine Eleven / SLOW CRUSH / Geraniüm / Red Apollo / Wildernessking / Solbrud / Izanasz Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Sep 12, 2015
Stains in the Sun Festival #3
The Tidal Sleep / Meniak / Rasta Knast / Aika Akakomowitsch / Fatoni / Frisur in Dur / Light Your Anchor / Die Roten Noten / Final Effort / Bon Voyage / Endstation Chaos
Naturtheater Schwarzenberg, Erzgebirge (Germany)
Jul 24, 2014 –
Jul 27, 2014
Fluff Fest 2014
Daggers / Tørsö / We Came Out Like Tigers / DROM / Amalthea / Ruined Families / Kiss Me Kojak / Celeste / Vestiges / Landverraad / Goodtime Boys / øjne / Trainwreck / Throwers / The Tidal Sleep / Remek / Rue de Cascades / Reka / Carnist / Mean Season / Heaven in Her Arms / Lentic Waters / Sport / Old Soul / MORT MORT MORT / Gulfer / Inheritance / The River Card / Burning Bright / Kids Insane / Agatha / ACxDC / Andrea Belfi / Appraise / At bona fide / Aussitot Mort / Avvika / Backtrack / Bane / Barren / Bastions / BATALJ / Beyond Pink / c / Deadverse / Deceased Squirrel On The Phone / Deer In The Headlights / D.O.A. / Empty Handed / Enten Og Eller / FocusedxMinds / Guantanamo Party Program / Hierophant / Hissing Fauna / Holy / I am a curse / Implore / Just For Being / Kalle / Les Rhinocéros / Leto / Lightning Glove / Lyanthrophy / Minority of One / Mont-Doré / No Omega / Obelisk of light / Orbit the Earth / Peleton / Rooftops / Sajtban / Shibuya Motors / Sky to speak / Siberian Meat Grinder / Static Void / Sugartown Cabaret / Tarnovski / Test Of Time / This Routine Is Hell / Thränenkind / Tosiro / Volta / White Wigwam Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 20, 2012 –
Jul 22, 2012
Fluff Fest 2012
The Tangled Lines / Pianos Become The Teeth / Soul Control / Landverraad / The Tidal Sleep / Alpinist / Light Bearer / Vaccine / Suis La Lune / Aussitôt Mort / Masakari / BØREDØM / Planks / Titan / Defeater / No Omega / Graf Orlock / End of a Year / Grieved / Anchor / AYS / Beton / Boiling Point / Boredom / Brat Pack / Code Orange Kids / Coke Bust / Deathrite / Defeater / Early Graves / End of a Year / Esazlesa / Former Thieves / Graf Orlock / Landscapes / Landverraad / Loma Prieta / Light Bearer / Masakari / Microvomit / Mobius / My Turn / Nine Eleven / No Omega / No Turning Back / Pianos Become The Teeth / Planks / Reign Supreme / Ralph Macchio / Ritual / Run With the Hunted / San Deni / Sick Fix / Sloth / Soul Control / Suis La Lune / The Tangled Lines / The Tidal Sleep / Titan / trapped under ice / Unveil / Vaccine / Vendetta / Verse / Weekend Nachos / Wojzech / Wolfdown / Xaddax / xTRUENATUREx Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 07, 2012
New Noise Fest 7
Church of Ra / Syndrome / Oathbreaker / Hessian / Celeste / Defeater / Graf Orlock / Loma Prieta / Former Thieves / Midnight Souls / Birds In Row / Downfall of Gaia / Vestiges / Aussitôt Mort / Run With the Hunted / Titan / Tempest / June Paik / Nine Eleven / Unveil / The Tidal Sleep Show all bands
Zirkuszelt im Ostauepark Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Some Videos From These Concerts

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