The Who / Mylon

Dec 10, 1971 (53 years ago)

Long Beach Arena     Long Beach, California, United States


Band Line-up

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Concert Details

Friday, December 10, 1971
Long Beach Arena
Long Beach, California, United States

My first time seeing The Who, and I was totally blown away. It’s hard to explain, but they were the LOUDEST, most outrageous band I’ve ever seen. No band has ever topped The Who, when it came to volume. We were smoking opiated hash that evening. It was Robert Kido and Steve Boachert and Al.

Genres Seen

Art Pop, Art Rock, Beat Music, Blues Rock, British Rhythm & Blues, Classic Rock, Freakbeat, Garage Rock, Hard Rock, Mod, Pop Rock, Power Pop, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Pop, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Rock And Roll, Rock Opera, Symphonic Rock, and British.


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The Who / Mylon on Dec 10, 1971 [644-small]

  Uploaded by Stephenhuerta


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