The Rascals / the vagrants / Nazz / Eire Apparent

The Rascals / The Vagrants / Nazz / Eire Apparent

Aug 30, 1968 (56 years ago)

Singer Bowl     New York, New York, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Friday, August 30, 1968
Singer Bowl
New York, New York, United States

Genres Seen

Freakbeat 3 bands


Psychedelic 3 bands


Psychedelic Pop 3 bands

Psychedelic Pop:

Psychedelic Rock 3 bands

Psychedelic Rock:

Rock 3 bands


Acid Rock 2 bands

Acid Rock:

Bubblegum Pop 2 bands

Bubblegum Pop:

Garage Rock 2 bands

Garage Rock:

Proto-Punk 2 bands


Classic Garage Rock 2 bands

Classic Garage Rock:

Baroque Pop 1 band

Baroque Pop:

Blue-Eyed Soul 1 band

Blue-Eyed Soul:

Blues 1 band


Classic Rock 1 band

Classic Rock:

Grime 1 band


Pop 1 band


Pop Rock 1 band

Pop Rock:

Power Pop 1 band

Power Pop:

Rap 1 band


British 1 band


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The Rascals / the vagrants / Nazz / Eire Apparent on Aug 30, 1968 [141-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

The Rascals / the vagrants / Nazz / Eire Apparent on Aug 30, 1968 [674-small]

  Uploaded by Rock's In My Head

 Rock's In My Head

Rock's In My Head Apr 21, 2018

The Rascals, Nazz, The Vagrants, Eire Apparent at the Singer Bowl (8/30/68)

It was a beautiful evening for an outdoor concert. With clear skies, the train ride was uneventful, and the crowd enthusiastic, me being one of them. My girlfriend accompanied me, my buddy George and his date, a beautiful 16 year old blond from Europe who was visiting George’s family. She could and would cause some problems in months to come as she was beautiful and a flirt. But back to the show.

Eire Apparent, a band produced by Jimi Hendrix (they said it at least twice during their 25 minutes of fame, was in hindsight, about as good as we got at Hullabaloo. Nothing too shabby, just okay. NAZZ was next up. The drummer was superb, the singer and bass players were pretty good. Yet there was something quirky and eye catching about the guitarist. Windmills, neck bending, string slapping, a bit theatrical but too cool to describe. Not having seen anything like this before this Todd Rundgren guy caught my musical attention at that moment and would have my attention for many moons to come. Local favorites (boys from Forest Hills) the band I witnessed many times at Hullabaloo, The Vagrants, hit the stage with a set of their own tunes doing an extended version of a Stones tune (Satisfaction) and finished with RESPECT. Pretty nicely done on a big stage, a completely different Vagrants then I was use to seeing at Hullbaloo. The stars of the show, the band I was dying to see,The Rascals,were tremendous. The applause was deafening at their introduction, after each tune, and at the end of their hit filled set. Hit after hit after hit after hit. Solos, musicianship, vocals, all clear, clean and crisp. It was heavenly. I was hooked, I needed more.

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