Canned Heat / Ten Years After / Cat Mother and the All Night Newsboys / Orpheus / Back River Circus

Long Island Rock Festival

Aug 6, 1969 (55 years ago)

Freeport Stadium     Freeport, New York, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Wednesday, August 06, 1969
Freeport Stadium
Freeport, New York, United States

Genres Seen

Classic Rock 3 bands

Classic Rock:

Folk Rock 3 bands

Folk Rock:

Psychedelic Rock 3 bands

Psychedelic Rock:

Rock 3 bands


Blues 2 bands


Blues Rock 2 bands

Blues Rock:

Country Rock 2 bands

Country Rock:

Electric Blues 2 bands

Electric Blues:

Hard Rock 2 bands

Hard Rock:

Roots Rock 2 bands

Roots Rock:

Album Oriented Rock (AOR) 2 bands

Album Oriented Rock (AOR):

Acid Rock 1 band

Acid Rock:

Art Rock 1 band

Art Rock:

Baroque Pop 1 band

Baroque Pop:

Boogie Rock 1 band

Boogie Rock:

British Blues 1 band

British Blues:

Chamber Pop 1 band

Chamber Pop:

Christmas Music 1 band

Christmas Music:

Classic Blues 1 band

Classic Blues:

Death Metal 1 band

Death Metal:

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Canned Heat / Ten Years After / Cat Mother and the All Night Newsboys / Orpheus / Back River Circus on Aug 6, 1969 [444-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Canned Heat / Ten Years After / Cat Mother and the All Night Newsboys / Orpheus / Back River Circus on Aug 6, 1969 [673-small]

  Uploaded by Rock's In My Head

 Charlie Delray
 Rock's In My Head

Charlie Delray Aug 14, 2019

I was there! I lived a mile away near Atlantic Ave and S Main St, and we used to sneak into the stock car races all the time. This was literally my first rock concert ever. I was 14 and going from 8th grade into High School - what a summer!

Rock's In My Head Apr 21, 2018

Not much happening on the circuit as the FILLMORE was closing down in anticipation of WOODSTOCK. My first festival, not WOODSTOCK was a one night event called the LONG ISLAND ROCK FESTIVAL @ Freeport Race Track, August 6,1969 (2 weeks before Woodstock) featuring CANNED HEAT, TEN YEARS AFTER, CAT MOTHER AND THE ALL NIGHT NEWSBOYS, and a Boston band ORPHEUS. TEN YEARS AFTER was the tease for me. In total after all is said and done, I have seen TYA eighteen times with this being the first time.

ORPHEUS was good with a nice version of their hit record CAN’T FIND THE TIME. CAT MOTHER, a New York ensemble did their hit GOOD OLE ROCK AND ROLL and finally TEN YEARS AFTER, the band I really wanted to see. They were unbelievably good, remember this is two weeks before their legendary performance at Woodstock. They played SPOONFUL, GOOD MORNING LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL, HOBBIT (drum solo), I CAN’T KEEP FROM CRYING, HELP ME, and I’M GOING HOME.

After an extensive intermission CANNED HEAT, the full ensemble with the Blind Owl in tow, closed the show. A 45 minute boogie was a bit much for me as the novocaine didn’t work any longer. I nodded off while laying on a blanket with my girlfriend. TYA made my night.

As Seen On: