Judas Priest / Dokken

Fuel for Life

May 18, 1986 (39 years ago)

Tacoma Dome     Tacoma, Washington, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Sunday, May 18, 1986
Tacoma Dome
Tacoma, Washington, United States

Genres Seen

Classic Rock 2 bands

Classic Rock:

Glam Metal 2 bands

Glam Metal:

Hard Rock 2 bands

Hard Rock:

Heavy Metal 2 bands

Heavy Metal:

Metal 2 bands


Rock 2 bands


Album Oriented Rock (AOR) 2 bands

Album Oriented Rock (AOR):

Alternative Metal 1 band

Alternative Metal:

Glam 1 band


Glam Rock 1 band

Glam Rock:

Power Metal 1 band

Power Metal:

British 1 band


NWOBHM 1 band


Birmingham Metal 1 band

Birmingham Metal:

J-Metal 1 band


Hair Metal 1 band

Hair Metal:

Japanese Heavy Metal 1 band

Japanese Heavy Metal:

Estados Unidos 1 band

Estados Unidos:

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Judas Priest / Dokken on May 18, 1986 [110-small]

  Uploaded by Timothy Lang

Judas Priest / Dokken on May 18, 1986 [517-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

 Scott Berg
 Davis 608
 Kevin Howes
 Ron Lambert
 Timothy Lang

Davis 608 May 27, 2023

In 1986 I had just graduated from high school and was 17 and my brother was 16 and my parents let us drive to the Tacoma to see Judas Priest. This day change me forever, open my eyes to the world of heavy metal and rock’n’roll. We had no idea what to expect so people tipping over police cars and throwing liquor bottles at the police seem cool to us and looking back I think it was. It was perfect chaos, I never felt any danger I only saw others as excited as I was to see Judas Priest. It was a perfect first concert and we went back the next time they came to the Tacoma Dome and it was a great show then too. Since 1986 I have seen hundreds of bands the Grateful Dead ,Pink Floyd ,Eric Clapton ,Paul McCartney and on and on There have been many great concerts but there can only be one concert that was my first and it was Judas Priest in 1986 at the Tacoma Dome and it was perfect.

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