Tinvariable has 2 concerts at The Gorge Amphitheater.

George, Washington, United States

View The Gorge Amphitheater's main page

Some Videos From These Concerts

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 Nick G
 Fozzy B
 Chris Mc Comas
 Chase Robinson
 Dave R

Cold Brew Oct 31, 2024

QUICK question , Why does the gorge now say it’s in Quincy Washington ? I worked there and put in 72 + concerts and assure you the address is George Washington. Please double check me but every internet search including the link from George Washington’s city page pops up with the gorge being in George. Do we need to Fix or can this be fixed Globally from main editors? Sincerely Thank you

Jon Voegele Jan 04, 2022

Please add The Who on July 6, 2002! Anyone remember who opened for them?

Qbrb46 Apr 10, 2021

Someone is sleeping on the job here and missing big shows from the 1990s (when the Gorge got the best acts). Adding to the misses already mentioned in other posts: PRINCE (1997) and Sting (1996 & 1991).

Mattydamoose Oct 18, 2020

You’re missing a few concerts, but 1 I know for sure is Heart and Queensryche 6/6/1992

Jen Tee Apr 07, 2020

ur missing at least one concert at the gorge from 1998 ... matchbox Twenty in september of 1998

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