
Nov 21, 1998 (26 years ago)

Hampton Coliseum     Hampton, Virginia, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen


Concert Details

Saturday, November 21, 1998
Hampton Coliseum
Hampton, Virginia, United States

Genres Seen

Alternative Rock, Blues Rock, Funk, Funk Rock, Jam Band, Jazz Fusion, Jazz Rock, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Alternative, and Jam.


Phish setlist:
  1. Wilson
  2. Big Black Furry Creature From Mars
  3. Lawn Boy
  4. The Divided Sky
  5. Cry Baby Cry
  6. Boogie On Reggae Woman
  7. NICU
  8. Dogs Stole Things
  9. Nellie Kane
  10. Foam
  11. Wading in the Velvet Sea
  12. Guyute
  13. Bold as Love
  14. Sabotage
  15. Mike's Song
  16. Simple
  17. The Wedge
  18. The Mango Song
  19. Free
  20. Ha Ha Ha
  21. Free
  22. Weekapaug Groove
  23. With Carl Gerhard
  24. {"url"=>"", "mbid"=>"53ba8c50-64ac-49d6-a05b-1a31bfc7fbfb", "name"=>"Tom Marshall", "sortName"=>"Marshall, Tom", "disambiguation"=>"Keyboardist and lyricist for US jam band Phish"}
  25. Tubthumping


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 Denny L.
 Lisa Kates
 Nick Windt
 Terrapin Studios

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