Blue Man Group

More than just a show

Aug 9, 2017 (7 years ago)

Stage Bluemax Theater     Berlin, Berlin, Germany


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Wednesday, August 09, 2017
Stage Bluemax Theater
Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Genres Seen

Electronic, Experimental, Experimental Rock, Instrumental, Post-Rock, Rock, United States, and Laboratorio.


Blue Man Group setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 06/16/2018), which may be similar:
  1. "Shadow Drumming"
  2. "Paint Drums"
  3. "Opening Mandelbrot"
  4. "Marshmallows & Gumballs"
  5. GiPad
  6. Drumbone
  7. "Feast Picking"
  8. "Fancy Dinner/Twinkies"
  9. "PVC IV"
  10. "Pipe Medley"
  11. "Time to Start"
  12. "Rods and Cones"
  13. Giacometti
  14. "Klein Mandelbrot"
  15. "Chant Jam"
  16. "Ready Go"
  17. "Paint Drums"
  18. "Ready Go"


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 Sarah Hüstebeck

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