Ring of Honor

Pursuit Night 2

Nov 16, 2013 (11 years ago)

Ohio Expo Center     Columbus, Ohio, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Saturday, November 16, 2013
Ohio Expo Center
Columbus, Ohio, United States

Start of Episode 1

Silas and Tadarius Thomas opened the show. Really fun opener. Crowd was hot the entire match. Silas heeled it up extra hard, mocking TD's capoeira stuff.

Jimmy Jacobs came out next to take on some dude named Sik Rik who fucking owned. He looked like a taller, fatter Kevin Steen but he just beat the shit out of Jacobs and moved fairly well for a dude his size. The match was so much better than it had any right to be. Jacobs ended up catching him in a guillotine for the win.

Mark Briscoe and Tomasso Ciampa main evented the first episode and had a fun little match. Crowd was very into it. These two worked surprisingly well together. Ciampa got him with a top rope falcon arrow.

Episode 2

American Wolves did the job to Outlaw Inc. Outlaw Inc won with a doomsday device bulldog thing. reDRagon came out at one point and took the wig and mask Homicide wears to the ring. The match was very good. Lots of homages to Eddie Guerrero which everyone loved. After the match, you could hear Homicide tell Davey "good luck" in a clearly personal way. Then Davey cut the promo telling people to buy Final Battle because it's going to be a special show for the Wolves.

Adam Cole beat ACH in a good match that I was slightly disappointed by. Cole repeatedly went after ACH's knee to ground his offense. ACH did a lot of selling this match. He had some good near falls and some nice spots but no Air Jordan. They worked really well together and the story was great. I got the sense they didn't want to blow the wad on this one. Afterward, Cole mocks him with the belt and then cuts a promo to the camera on the outside to close the Final Battle go-home show.

DVD Only

Michael Elgin beat Strong, Lethal and Taven in a really really fun match. Well worked, lots of great spots. Everybody got some time to shine and took a lot of punishment. Elgin ended up hitting Strong with his finisher for the win.

Jay Briscoe issues a challenge but Corino tells him that everyone in the arena is already booked. Silas Young attacks him, Mark comes out to save. Inevitably Cole runs out, followed by Elgin. Cole lays out Elgin, then lays out Jay with a belt shot. He holds both titles up to the camera and leaves.

reDRagon retained over C&C in a really, really good match. C&C come out just absolutely wrecking the shit out of reDRagon. They beat the piss out of each other all around and C&C looked amazing in this match. Lots of fun near falls but it wasn't enough. Caprice cuts a great promo putting Cedric over and even tells off some smark piece of shit in the crowd.

Genres Seen

Deathcore, Melodic Metalcore, Metal, RAC, Polish, Technical Deathcore, Rock Against Communism, Wrestling, Cosmic Death Metal, Japanese Instrumental, Poland, and NS Metal.


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