Venue Location Number Of Concerts
Small's Hamtramck, Michigan, United States 1 concert
Sonar (Not Active) Baltimore, Maryland, United States 1 concert
State Theater Detroit, Michigan, United States 1 concert
State Theater St. Petersburg, Florida, United States 1 concert
State Theatre Detroit, Michigan, United States 1 concert
Streaming 1 concert
Subterranean Chicago, Illinois, United States 1 concert
Ten bells Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States 1 concert
The Agora Cleveland, Ohio, United States 1 concert
The Beat Kitchen Chicago, Illinois, United States 1 concert
The Chapel San Francisco, California, United States 1 concert
The Crocodile Seattle, Washington, United States 1 concert
The Cuban Club Tampa, Florida, United States 1 concert
The Deltaplex Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States 1 concert
The Emerald Theatre Mount Clemens, Michigan, United States 1 concert
The Fillmore New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana, United States 1 concert
The Forum Inglewood, California, United States 1 concert
The Internet ONLINE 1 concert
The Intersection / Elevation Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States 1 concert
The Intersection / The Stache Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States 1 concert
The Kalamazoo State Theatre Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States 1 concert
The Kellogg Center Battle Creek, Michigan, United States 1 concert
The Magic Bag Ferndale, Michigan, United States 1 concert
The Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia, United States 1 concert
The Note Chicago, Illinois, United States 1 concert