Paramore / Bloc Party / Rozi Plain

Paramore in the UK and Ireland

Apr 23, 2023 (2 years ago)

The O2     London, England, United Kingdom


Band Line-up

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Bloc Party Rozi Plain

Concert Details

Sunday, April 23, 2023
The O2
London, England, United Kingdom

Genres Seen

Acoustic Rock, Alternative Rock, Art Pop, Emo, Emo Pop, New Wave, Pop, Pop Punk, Pop Rock, Power Pop, Punk, Rock, Alternative, Female Vocalists, Modern Rock, Pop Emo, Pixie, and Candy Pop.


Paramore setlist:
  1. Note to Self
  2. You First
  3. The News
  4. That's What You Get
  5. Playing God
  6. Caught in the Middle
  7. Rose-Colored Boy
  8. Decode
  9. Last Hope
  10. Running Out of Time
  11. Crystal Clear
  12. Liar
  13. Blue Light
  14. Hard Times
  15. Still Into You
  16. Baby
  17. The Only Exception
  18. Crave
  19. Misery Business
  20. Ain't It Fun
  21. This Is Why iPhone Video Montage
  22. All I Wanted
  23. This Is Why
Bloc Party setlist:
  1. In Situ
  2. Hunting for Witches
  3. Kettling
  4. High Life
  5. Song for Clay (Disappear Here)
  6. Banquet
  7. Traps
  8. Flux
  9. Helicopter
  10. This Modern Love
Rozi Plain setlist:
  1. Agreeing For Two
  2. Standing Up
  3. Painted The Room
  4. Symmetrical
  5. Help
  6. Actually


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Paramore / Bloc Party / Rozi Plain on Apr 23, 2023 [190-small]

  Uploaded by Harvey Smith

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