Nicholas Liddle's Concert Archive

Entertainment Journalist and Independent Music Publicist

Charlotte, North Carolina, United States     Joined July 2019    

Jake Miller

Oct 19, 2018 (6 years ago)

Rosemont Bar     Charlotte, North Carolina, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Friday, October 19, 2018
Rosemont Bar
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Genres Seen

Hip Hop, Pop, Pop Rap, Teen Pop, Rap, Male Vocalists, Post-Teen Pop, UK Pop, Indie Pop Rap, and Australian Pop.


Jake Miller setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 05/20/2018), which may be similar:
  1. "Beast Mode"
  2. Runnin
  3. Hollywood
  4. "Palm Blvd"
  5. "Dazed and Confused"
  6. "My Couch"
  7. "Like Me"
  8. Overnight
  9. Rumors
  10. "High Life"
  11. "Drinkin About You"
  12. "Day Without Your Love"
  13. "Yellow Lights"
  14. Parties
  15. "Selfish Girls"
  16. Collide
  17. "With You"
  18. Ghost
  19. "Lion Heart"
  20. "Be Alright"
  21. "The Girl That's Underneath"
  22. "I'm Alright"
  23. "A Million Lives"
  24. "First Flight Home"


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 Nicholas Liddle

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