
May 3, 2012 (13 years ago)

The Blue Note     St. Louis, Missouri, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Thursday, May 03, 2012
The Blue Note
St. Louis, Missouri, United States

I took my son to see his very first concert, to see Primus. He was a big fan (he is also a bassist) and I had barely heard of them. I was blown away by their talent. We also were on the fence in front, because we were the 2nd group of people to enter the concert when the gates opened. One of the roadies gave my son a handwritten copy (in Sharpie) of the first set, when the band went on break after the first half of the show.

Genres Seen

Alternative Metal, Alternative Rock, Funk, Funk Metal, Funk Rock, Grunge, Nu Metal, Rap Rock, Rock, Alternative, Comic, and United States.


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