Sensory Laine's Concert Archive

“Some people believe in God. I believe in music. Some people pray. I turn up the radio.”

Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States     Joined February 2016    

Rocklahoma 2016

May 27 - 29, 2016 (9 years ago)

Pryor Creek Music Festival Grounds     Pryor, Oklahoma, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Bands Not Seen

Last In Line The Sword Bang Tango Shaman's Harvest Wilson Freeway Mad Snew Niterain Banshee Chaotic Resemblance 3-D in your face 5-star hooker Deathgrip Kore Rozzik Severmind Arson City Stolen Rhodes Sik Five Hundredth Year Octave Jaw Avatar Wild Throne Chainmail Ragdoll Dead Metal Society The Prophets of Addiction Mycah Salem's lott Beggars jam Electronomicon Teer Enslaved by fear Screaming for Silence Lovebettie Lawless Hearts The grizzly band Unwritten Rulz Escape the Fate Mystery The Glorious Sons Second Pass Citizen Zero Avenging benji Project Terror Diamond Lane Nova Rex Ratchet Dolls The Tip UK Hellectrokuters Moxie and the influence As above so below Dryvr Suede panther The dirtboxwailers Vox squadron The Brothers Moore Locust Grove

Concert Details

Friday, May 27, 2016 – Sunday, May 29, 2016
Pryor Creek Music Festival Grounds
Pryor, Oklahoma, United States

Genres Seen

Alternative Metal 18 bands

Alternative Metal:

Hard Rock 18 bands

Hard Rock:

Nu Metal 18 bands

Nu Metal:

Rock 18 bands


Metal 14 bands


Heavy Metal 12 bands

Heavy Metal:

Rap Rock 12 bands

Rap Rock:

Post-Grunge 10 bands


Alternative Rock 9 bands

Alternative Rock:

Alternative 9 bands


Groove Metal 7 bands

Groove Metal:

Christian Rock 5 bands

Christian Rock:

Industrial Metal 5 bands

Industrial Metal:

Thrash Metal 5 bands

Thrash Metal:

Glam Metal 4 bands

Glam Metal:

Metalcore 4 bands


Rap Metal 4 bands

Rap Metal:

Melodic Metalcore 3 bands

Melodic Metalcore:

Southern Metal 3 bands

Southern Metal:

Hardcore 3 bands


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Rocklahoma 2016 on May 27, 2016 [795-small]

  Uploaded by Sensory Laine

 Sensory Laine
 The Traveler
 Jim Deaton Ii
 Mark H
 Jessica Williams

As Seen On: