Hanson / Matthew Sweet

Oct 6, 2024 (4 months ago)

House of Blues Chicago     Chicago, Illinois, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Sunday, October 06, 2024
House of Blues Chicago
Chicago, Illinois, United States

Genres Seen

Indie 2 bands


Pop Rock 2 bands

Pop Rock:

Rock 2 bands


Alternative Country 1 band

Alternative Country:

Alternative Pop 1 band

Alternative Pop:

Alternative Rock 1 band

Alternative Rock:

Dance-Pop 1 band


Indie Pop 1 band

Indie Pop:

Jangle Pop 1 band

Jangle Pop:

Motown 1 band


Pop 1 band


Pop Soul 1 band

Pop Soul:

Power Pop 1 band

Power Pop:

Roots Rock 1 band

Roots Rock:

Singer-Songwriter 1 band


Soul 1 band


Teen Pop 1 band

Teen Pop:

Alternative 1 band


Neo Mellow 1 band

Neo Mellow:

Underground Power Pop 1 band

Underground Power Pop:

Show more genres


Hanson setlist:
  1. Strong Enough to Break
  2. Madeline
  3. MMMBop
  4. Penny and Me (Moonlight Version)
  5. Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard / Cecilia
  6. Dressed in Brown Eyes
  7. This Time Around
Matthew Sweet setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 10/05/2024), which may be similar:
  1. "Divine Intervention"
  2. Byrdgirl
  3. "Looking at the Sun"
  4. "Walk Out"
  5. "Save Time for Me"
  6. "Someone to Pull the Trigger"
  7. "Devil With the Green Eyes"
  8. "Behind the Smile"
  9. "The Ugly Truth"
  10. Winona
  11. "Stars Explode"
  12. "Ziggy Stardust"
  13. "Thought I Knew You"
  14. "Time Capsule"
  15. "Reaching Out"
  16. "We're the Same"
  17. "If Time Permits"
  18. "You Don't Love Me"
  19. Girlfriend
  20. "I've Been Waiting"
  21. "Sick of Myself"


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 Mads Manor
 Gretchen Rae
 Dan Schwartz
 Connor Martin
 Lauren Las
 Molly Groden

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