Michael E Ramsay 's Concert Archive

Bullhead city AZ 86442     Joined September 2022    

Pink Floyd

May 7, 1977 (48 years ago)

Angel Stadium of Anaheim     Anaheim, California, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Saturday, May 07, 1977
Angel Stadium of Anaheim
Anaheim, California, United States

tickets $12.50

Genres Seen

Art Rock, Avant-Garde, Classic Rock, Experimental Rock, Hard Rock, Progressive, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic, Psychedelic Pop, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Rock Opera, Space Rock, Symphonic Rock, British, Album Oriented Rock (AOR), Dad Rock, and Favoritos.


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Pink Floyd on May 7, 1977 [626-small]

  Uploaded by Dunie

Pink Floyd on May 7, 1977 [318-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

 Sharkdog Brewing
 Byron M. Cowley
 Humboldt Rick
 Michael E Ramsay
 Allyn Draper
 Gerald Coble
 Boss Co

Allyn Draper Jul 19, 2023

The sky was overcast and there was a drizzle. As the clouds broke your could hear those tuning in, dropping out and coming on, gasp in awe as the clouds parted and a double rainbow appeared. "Ladies and Gentleman, Please don't leave, Pink Floyd will play".

Dunie Jun 13, 2023

I was there...

Berkeley Hall Feb 06, 2021

Does anyone remember the rain showers we had just before and just as Floyd came on? Remember the double rainbow above the stage? My 17th birthday was the day before the concert. Who better to celebrate your birthday with than Pink Floyd and 75K of your closest friends!!

As Seen On: