
Nov 6, 1985 (39 years ago)

William & Mary hall @ college of William & mary     Williamsburg, Virginia, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen


Concert Details

Wednesday, November 06, 1985
William & Mary hall @ college of William & mary
Williamsburg, Virginia, United States

Norfolk Virginian pilot

Genres Seen

Classic Rock, Dance-Rock, Jazz, Jazz Pop, New Wave, Pop, Pop Rock, Reggae-Pop, Rock, Singer-Songwriter, Soft Rock, Sophisti-Pop, British, Permanent Wave, and Adult Contemporary.


Sting setlist:
  1. Shadows in the Rain
  2. Driven to Tears
  3. Consider Me Gone
  4. Children's Crusade
  5. One World (Not Three)
  6. Love Is the Seventh Wave
  7. We Work the Black Seam
  8. Bring On the Night
  9. When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around
  10. Another Day
  11. Moon Over Bourbon Street
  12. Fortress Around Your Heart
  13. Low Life
  14. I Burn for You
  15. If You Love Somebody Set Them Free
  16. Roxanne
  17. I've Been Down So Long
  18. Every Breath You Take
  19. Need Your Love So Bad
  20. The Dream of the Blue Turtles
  21. Demolition Man
  22. Message in a Bottle


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 Michael Curtis

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