Alvin Lee

Oct 21, 1983 (41 years ago)

Park West     Chicago, Illinois, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Friday, October 21, 1983
Park West
Chicago, Illinois, United States

Chicago Tribune entertainment section/Alvin lee concert history

Genres Seen

Americana, Blues, Blues Rock, British Blues, Classic Rock, Country Rock, Electric Blues, Hard Rock, Modern Blues, Rock, Southern Rock, Guitar, Swedish Pop, Swedish Singer-Songwriter, and Rock & Roll.


Alvin Lee setlist:
  1. One of These Days
  2. Rock 'N' Roll Guitar Picker
  3. Good Morning, School Girl
  4. Slow Blues in 'C'
  5. Love Like a Man
  6. Ain't Nothin' Shakin'
  7. Hey Joe
  8. Slow Down
  9. Help Me
  10. I'm Going Home
  11. Choo Choo Mama
  12. Sweet Little Sixteen


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 Michael Curtis
 Jim Bloniarz

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