Motley Crue / Loudness

Aug 28, 1985 (39 years ago)

Compton Terrace     Tempe, Arizona, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Wednesday, August 28, 1985
Compton Terrace
Tempe, Arizona, United States

Theater Of Pain Tour
Thunder In The East Tour
This was a crazy concert. Outdoors, Smashed in the middle of the GA crowd about 5 rows from the stage. I look up before Loudness hits the stage and there is stuff flying all over the crowd. I got hit in the head with a half full plastic 2 Liter bottle and then, and this is really crazy, I got hit on my forearm by a sandwich that had mayo and mustard on it, so it just went SPLAT and fell apart, leaving my arm not only sweaty, but mustardy and mayonaisey.
Great concert though once it got going.
Towards the end, right before the encore, There were several fires burning up at the top of the amphitheater.
This was also the first concert that Tommy Lee started experimenting with different shock factors for his drum solo. This one, his riser went up at a 90 degree angle so he was looking straight down at the place on the stage where he was at before he rose. At that time, it was pretty hellish, but as we know, his shock factor progressed pretty majorly each and every tour after that.

Genres Seen

Glam Metal 2 bands

Glam Metal:

Hard Rock 2 bands

Hard Rock:

Heavy Metal 2 bands

Heavy Metal:

Metal 2 bands


Alternative Metal 1 band

Alternative Metal:

Arena Rock 1 band

Arena Rock:

Glam Rock 1 band

Glam Rock:

Rock 1 band


Speed Metal 1 band

Speed Metal:

Album Oriented Rock (AOR) 1 band

Album Oriented Rock (AOR):

Japanese 1 band


Neo Classical Metal 1 band

Neo Classical Metal:

J-Metal 1 band


Sleaze Rock 1 band

Sleaze Rock:

Hair Metal 1 band

Hair Metal:

Japanese Heavy Metal 1 band

Japanese Heavy Metal:

Estados Unidos 1 band

Estados Unidos:

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