Fleetwood Mac

Aug 31, 1970 (54 years ago)

Music Circus     Lambertville, New Jersey, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Monday, August 31, 1970
Music Circus
Lambertville, New Jersey, United States

Genres Seen

Acoustic Rock, Blues, Blues Rock, British Blues, Classic Rock, Electric Blues, Folk Rock, Jam Band, Pop, Pop Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Soft Rock, Yacht Rock, British, Album Oriented Rock (AOR), Mellow Gold, English, and Pop/Rock.


Fleetwood Mac setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 08/28/1970), which may be similar:
  1. "Crazy 'Bout You Baby"
  2. "Can't Stop Loving My Baby"
  3. "Mission Bell"
  4. "Tell Me All the Things You Do"
  5. "Get Like You Used to Be"
  6. "I'd Rather Go Blind"
  7. "Station Man"
  8. "I Believe My Time Ain't Long"
  9. "Blue Suede Shoes"
  10. "Teenage Darling"
  11. "Let's Dance"


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Fleetwood Mac on Aug 31, 1970 [740-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Fleetwood Mac on Aug 31, 1970 [720-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

 Jr Bradfield

Jr Bradfield Oct 14, 2024

I was at this concert. It was a last minute addition to Fleetwood Mac's Reggie when Christine McVie was added. The last time all 3 guitarists played at any gig. It was in the hopes that the 3 would keep together. Peter Green would not play unless Jeremy Spencer was off the stage. Spencer's Slide and Stage presence really stole the guitar work while Christine singing and playing added a new dimension to the band. When they announced " last song" my ride wanted to beat the exit traffic and since it was Monday and we had to go to work the next day we left. I heard later, after the band took a 20 minute break, they came back to jam and work thing out. The stragglers who stayed for autographs moved to the front and got a private concert. Some guy was said to ask to come up and jam which they said OK. Dang, 😜 I missed out on that one! 🤠

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