Ann Beretta / Avail / Strike Anywhere

Jan 27, 2001 (24 years ago)

New Brookland Tavern     Columbia, South Carolina, United States


Band Line-up

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Avail Strike Anywhere

Concert Details

Saturday, January 27, 2001
New Brookland Tavern
Columbia, South Carolina, United States

Genres Seen

Pop Punk, Punk, Punk Rock, Skate Punk, Orgcore, Virginia Punk, and Virginia.


Setlist not available for:
ann beretta
Avail setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 03/03/2001), which may be similar:
  1. "South Bound 95"
  2. N30
  3. "New #2"
  4. Deepwood
  5. Fix
  6. Armchair
  7. Heron
  8. Rest
  9. Model
  10. "\"New Song\""
  11. "Sanctuary 13"
  12. Virus
  13. "High Lonesome"
  14. "Nickel Bridge"
  15. "Simple Song"
  16. Taken
  17. "Scuffle Town"
Strike Anywhere setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 11/16/2001), which may be similar:
  1. "You're Fired"
  2. "Cassandratic Equation"
  3. "Timebomb Generation"
  4. S.S.T.
  5. Earthbound
  6. "Riot of Words"
  7. Refusal
  8. "Chorus of One"
  9. "Sunset on 32nd"
  10. "My Design"


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