Ron Gallo

Nov 17, 2017 (7 years ago)

ONCE Somerville     Somerville, Massachusetts, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Friday, November 17, 2017
ONCE Somerville
Somerville, Massachusetts, United States

Genres Seen

Blues, Garage Rock, Indie, Indie Rock, Punk Blues, Modern Blues Rock, Classic Soundtrack, and Light Music.


Ron Gallo setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 11/19/2017), which may be similar:
  1. Intro
  2. "Put the Kids to Bed"
  3. "Kill the Medicine Man"
  4. "Entitled Man
  5. Keep Your Hands Down Your Pants"
  6. "Really Nice Guys"
  7. "Please Yourself"
  8. "Black Market Eyes"
  9. "Free Bird"
  10. "Poor Traits of the Artist"
  11. "You Gotta Be"
  12. "All the Punks Are Domesticated"
  13. "It's All Gonna Be OK"
  14. "Temporary Slave"
  15. OM
  16. "Young Lady
  17. You're Scaring Me"
  18. "Sorry Not Everybody Is You"
  19. "The Age of Information"
  20. "Helter Skelter"
  21. "\"url\"=>\"\"
  22. \"mbid\"=>\"0b183251-c4a7-47ab-87b4-4cc0e50dfe95\"
  23. \"name\"=>\"Naked Giants\"
  24. \"sortName\"=>\"Naked Giants\"
  25. \"disambiguation\"=>\"\""
  26. "T.V. Eye"


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