Irvinedav51 's Concert Archive

Me and my wife are in our early and late 50's but we still like to Rock out, and we enjoy seeing good bands live! Rock on metal heads! Metal fan has two meanings! Metal 🪭, or metal fan! 😂

Paducah, Kentucky, United States     Joined March 2023    

Bucket List:

Things we would like to try:

Completed Mar 28, 2023

Things we would like to try:

My wife and I would love to try Ziplining, Cave Speliunking, Mountain climbing making love under a waterfall, Going to the Caribbean! Going on A Safari, Parachuting, Hanggliding, Going on a vacation to Hawaii, Snake Charming, Going to the Virgin Islands!

Comments & Reviews:

Irvinedav51 Mar 28, 2023

I love my wife with all my heart and soul, she is my everything, my world! We will be together forver and always! Our love is so strong, that nothing in this life could tear us apart!

Love you, my wonderful wife
From your loving husband!

As Seen On: