Sigur Rós

Jun 17, 2017 (7 years ago)

Forest Hills Stadium     New York, New York, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Saturday, June 17, 2017
Forest Hills Stadium
New York, New York, United States

Genres Seen

Ambient, Ambient Pop, Art Pop, Art Rock, Chamber Pop, Dream Pop, Electronic, Ethereal Wave, Experimental, Experimental Rock, Indie, Indie Rock, Instrumental, Modern Classical, Post-Minimalism, Post-Rock, Rock, Alternative, Icelandic, and Compositional Ambient.


Sigur Rós setlist:
  1. Á
  2. Ekki múkk
  3. Glósóli
  4. E-Bow
  5. Fljótavík
  6. Niður
  7. Varða
  8. Óveður
  9. Sæglópur
  10. Ný batterí
  11. Vaka
  12. Festival
  13. Kveikur
  14. Popplagið


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