Jerry Cantrell

May 10, 2001 (24 years ago)

Bowery Ballroom     New York, New York, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Thursday, May 10, 2001
Bowery Ballroom
New York, New York, United States

Genres Seen

Alternative Metal, Alternative Rock, Doom Metal, Grunge, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Metal, Post-Grunge, Reggaeton, Rock, Alternative, and Reggaeton Flow.


Jerry Cantrell setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 05/04/2001), which may be similar:
  1. "Angry Chair"
  2. "What the Hell Have I"
  3. "No Excuses"
  4. "Bargain Basement Howard Hughes"
  5. Brother
  6. "Got Me Wrong"
  7. "It Ain't Like That"
  8. "Them Bones"
  9. "Down in a Hole"
  10. Would?
  11. "Man in the Box"


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