Rush / Primus


Apr 4, 1994 (31 years ago)

St. Louis Arena     St. Louis, Missouri, United States


Band Line-up

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Concert Details

Monday, April 04, 1994
St. Louis Arena
St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Genres Seen

Art Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Pop Rock, Progressive, Progressive Pop, Progressive Rock, Rock, Album Oriented Rock (AOR), Canadian, Canada, Uplifting, Classic Canadian Rock, Canadian Metal, Space, Technical, English, Fantasy, and Heavy Prog.


Rush setlist:
  1. Dreamline
  2. The Spirit of Radio
  3. The Analog Kid
  4. Cold Fire
  5. Time Stand Still
  6. Nobody's Hero
  7. Roll the Bones
  8. Animate
  9. Stick It Out
  10. Double Agent
  11. Limelight
  12. Mystic Rhythms
  13. Closer to the Heart
  14. Show Don't Tell
  15. Leave That Thing Alone
  16. Drum Solo
  17. The Trees
  18. Xanadu
  19. Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres Part I: Prelude
  20. Tom Sawyer
  21. Force Ten
  22. YYZ
Primus setlist:
  1. Here Come the Bastards
  2. The Toys Go Winding Down
  3. Pudding Time
  4. Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
  5. My Name Is Mud
  6. The Ol' Diamondback Sturgeon (Fisherman's Chronicles, Part 3)
  7. Seas of Cheese
  8. Pork Soda
  9. Harold of the Rocks


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Rush / Primus on Apr 4, 1994 [644-small]

  Uploaded by John Murray

 Earl Trout
 Eric Janssen
 John Murray
 Matthew Bourland

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