Einsturzende Neubauten

Apr 24, 2004 (21 years ago)

Irving Plaza     New York, New York, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Saturday, April 24, 2004
Irving Plaza
New York, New York, United States

Genres Seen

Alternative Rock, Art Pop, Avant-Garde, Dark Ambient, Ebm, Electronic, Experimental, Experimental Rock, Industrial, Industrial Rock, Neue Deutsche Welle, No Wave, Noise, Post-Industrial, Post-Punk, Spoken Word, Alternative, German, Berlin, and European.


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Einsturzende Neubauten on Apr 24, 2004 [919-small]

  Uploaded by Gregory Linton

 Gregory Linton
 Derrick Manning
 A. Skipwith
 The Deryl

Gregory Linton Mar 21, 2021

This was the second time seeing them, Derrick, Lee and I waited outside till the doors opened, Lee went and wondered around the immediate area till he found a scalper, he didn't have any ticket and told us that he would be sure to find a scalper, well turns out when we got to the door, he truly was a scalper as the ticket he sold to Lee was fake, so he couldn't go inside. At the time I was a member of the EN supporters and managed to get a photo pass and we the only time I was able to bring my SLR into a show legitimately. It's too bad my camera and lens were not the best at the time, pre digital and I wasn't close. I still managed to get a few shots. It was a great show and afterwards I headed upstairs for the meet and greet, it really was nothing like those are today, they had a huge spread of food and different German beers, Beck was up there milling about! I met Blixa and he signed my Ende Neu CD, I asked him about his bathroom photography and he told me he'd gotten bored with it. I was cool to meet him, he seemed very relaxed.

As Seen On: