Date Concert Venue Location
Dec 12, 1994
Girls Against Boys / The Smoothies / Soul Coughing

Girls Against Boys with Soul Coughing and Smoothies at the Euclid Tavern (

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Dec 09, 1994
Make-Up / slant 6

Slant 6 with Make-Up at the Euclid Tavern (December 9, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Dec 05, 1994
Come / Cobra Verde / Alkaloid

Come with Cobra Verde and Alkaloid at the Euclid Tavern (December 5, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Nov 14, 1994
Steak Daddy Six / Dimbulb / poster children

Poster Children with Steak Daddy Six and Dimbulb at the Euclid Tavern (November 14, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Nov 07, 1994
Sugar / Velocity Girl / Magnapop

Sugar with Velocity Girl and Magnapop at Agora Theatre & Ballroom (November 7, 1994)

Agora Theatre & Ballroom Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Oct 12, 1994
Soul Coughing / Cop Shoot Cop / Hucklebuck

Cop Shot Cop with Soul Coughing and Hucklebuck at the Euclid Tavern (October 12, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Oct 04, 1994
Neurosis / Craw / Dazzling Killmen

Neurosis with Craw and Dazzling Killmen at Peabody's Downunder (October 4, 1994)

Peabody's DownUnder Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Oct 03, 1994
Polvo / Jack O Nuts / Shiny Beast

Polvo with Jack O Nuts and Shiny Beast at the Euclid Tavern (October 3, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Sep 29, 1994
Shellac / Bricklayer Cake / Dis

Shellac with Bricklayer Cake and Dis at the Euclid Tavern (September 29, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Sep 19, 1994
Shudder to Think / The Dambuilders / Muddsnake

Shudder to Think with The Dambuilders and Muddsnake

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Aug 29, 1994
Nine Inch Nails / Marilyn Manson / Hole
Nautica Stage Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Aug 27, 1994
14th Annual Studio-A-Rama
Red Giant / Coltrane Wreck / Vivians / Boulder / Milkmine / Morsel / NRG Ensemble / Mule
Mather Memorial Courtyard Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Aug 16, 1994
Helmet / Rollins Band / sausage

Helmet with Rollins Band and Sausage at Nautica Stage (August 16, 1994)

Nautica Stage Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Aug 08, 1994
Gem / The Morning Glories / red red meat

Red Red Meat with Gem and the Morning Glories at the Euclid Tavern (August 8, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Aug 01, 1994
Scrawl / Lois / Sputnik Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Jul 30, 1994
The Jesus Lizard / Craw / The Duvalby Brothers Peabody's DownUnder Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Jul 27, 1994
Jale / Dimbulb / Muddsnake Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Jul 16, 1994
Cop Shoot Cop

Cop Shot Cop at Peabody's DownUnder (July 16, 1994)

Peabody's DownUnder Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Jul 06, 1994
Killdozer / Steelpole Bathtub / Cathouse

Killdozer with Steelpole Bathtub and Cathouse at the Euclid Tavern (July 6, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Jun 24, 1994
The Afghan Whigs / Ass Ponies

The Afghan Whigs at the Odeon (June 24, 1994)

Odeon Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Jun 18, 1994
7 Year Bitch / Holy Rollers / Loudspeaker Grog Shop Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States
Jun 10, 1994
Murder Junkies w/Jeff Clayton Grog Shop Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States
Jun 03, 1994
Supersuckers The Highlander Atlanta, Georgia, United States
May 14, 1994
Goober & the Peas / The Naked Enterpreneurs Peabody's DownUnder Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Apr 17, 1994
Reverend Horton Heat / The Devil Dogs / The Cowslingers

Reverend Horton Heat at Agora Theatre & Ballroom (April 17, 1994)

Agora Theatre & Ballroom Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Apr 11, 1994
Wool / Don Caballero / Janitor Joe

Wool with Don Caballero and Janitor Joe at the Euclid Tavern (April 11, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Apr 01, 1994
Liz Phair Finney Chapel, Oberlin College Oberlin, Ohio, United States
Mar 28, 1994
Beats the Hell Out of Me / Cat House / Horace Pinker Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Mar 21, 1994
Cher U.K. / Overpass / Shiv Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Mar 13, 1994
Jawbox / Trenchmouth / Whatever

Jawbox with Trenchmouth and Whatever at Peabody's DownUnder (March 13, 1994)

Peabody's DownUnder Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Feb 21, 1994
Godplow / Wig / Glazed Baby

Godplow with Wig and Glazed Baby at the Euclid Tavern (February 21, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Jan 21, 1994
Scrawl / Steak Daddy Six / Lollipop

Scrawl with Steak Daddy Six and Lollipop at the Euclid Tavern (January 21, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Jan 17, 1994
Brainiac Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Jan 10, 1994
season to risk / Craw / Cher U.K.

Season To Risk with Craw and Cher U.K. at the Euclid Tavern (January 10, 1994)

Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio, United States