ZU2 / Exit State
Jun 5, 2010
(15 years ago)
The Diamond
Sutton in Ashfield, England, United Kingdom
Jun 5, 2010
(15 years ago)
The Diamond
Sutton in Ashfield, England, United Kingdom
Alternative Rock | 1 band |
Alternative Rock: |
Chillstep | 1 band |
Chillstep: |
Indie | 1 band |
Indie: |
Rock | 1 band |
Rock: |
Schlager | 1 band |
Schlager: |
Alternative | 1 band |
Alternative: |
Florida Hardcore | 1 band |
Florida Hardcore: |
Necrogrind | 1 band |
Necrogrind: |
Substep | 1 band |
Substep: |
Touhou | 1 band |
Touhou: |
Edinburgh: |
Schlagerparty: |
Comments & Reviews: