Zevious / Amy Farrand / The Dutch
Apr 7, 2011
(14 years ago)
The Brick
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Apr 7, 2011
(14 years ago)
The Brick
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Experimental | 1 band |
Experimental: |
Instrumental | 1 band |
Instrumental: |
Jazz | 1 band |
Jazz: |
Jazz Fusion | 1 band |
Jazz Fusion: |
Math Rock | 1 band |
Math Rock: |
New Wave | 1 band |
New Wave: |
Progressive Metal | 1 band |
Progressive Metal: |
Male Vocalists | 1 band |
Male Vocalists: |
Dutch | 1 band |
Dutch: |
Christian Music | 1 band |
Christian Music: |
The Netherlands: |
New Age Piano: |
Nyc Metal: |
Atmospheric Dnb: |
Microtonal: |
Comments & Reviews: