
May 10, 2004 (21 years ago)

The Spectrum     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States


Band Line-up


Concert Details

Monday, May 10, 2004
The Spectrum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Band Genres

Art Rock, Classic Rock, Garage Rock, Hard Rock, Jazz Fusion, Pop Rock, Progressive, Progressive Pop, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Soft Rock, Symphonic Prog, Symphonic Rock, British, and Album Oriented Rock (AOR).


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Yes on May 10, 2004 [237-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Yes on May 10, 2004 [690-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Yes on May 10, 2004 [689-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Yes on May 10, 2004 [688-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Yes on May 10, 2004 [686-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Yes on May 10, 2004 [496-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Yes on May 10, 2004 [923-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Yes on May 10, 2004 [922-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

 Gregory Linton
 David Saylor
 Pat Mc W

Gregory Linton Mar 21, 2021

I remember when Keys To Ascension 2 came out and at the time on AMY, the old BBS on the early internet had been hyping up Mind Drive to what I thought was an unsustainable level, like the new CTTE, when the album came out I figured I'd be let down, instead the song renewed my faith in the band in every possible way, it was a stunning piece, from the perfect Steve Howe opening on acoustic guitar, to then hearing Chris do the same piece on bass! Then later in the song to hear Rick killing it and have Steve completely burst into flames, I only found out later that Steve's guitar section was improvised, something Yes did not do on albums, in concert they played an abbreviated version, it was still cool, but I would have loved to hear a perfect version ol the album live.Sweet Dreams and South Side of the Sky were amazing, and Turn of the Century, also Foot Prints and hearing Show Me with Yes, not just Jon solo like I did the last time. One strong seltilst, so much!

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